Thursday, February 09, 2006

A day out

Today we managed to wangle a day out of the repetitive process that is a school day by venturing out into the centre of Newcastle to see a theatre production. Since my theatre studies course began, I have made this journey several times (and my bank statements have reflected this!) but today has to have been the most tedious instance of the lot.
There are quite a few reasons for this. The most obvious one was that the show we went to see resembled the quality of a heap of recently excreted waste. The storyline was dreadful and the acting was so over the top it was in the clouds.
All of the accents were overly posh and the actors spoke so fast with the result that their words merged merely to produce an elongated length of monotonal noise.
We had no idea what was going on and were soon plunged into the depths of boredom.
The only amusement we received was an old lady sitting behind us who would chuckle in a manly way at inopportune intervals. We soon noticed that she had a scale of approval. If she released a single ha, then it was worth acknowledging, but not really anything special. And, as the quantity of has increased (up to a final total of 4, I believe), so did the quality of the moment. To her anyway. The moments she chose to laugh at were not intended for comedy, were often mid sentence or during periods of dramatic silence or when something serious actually happened. When the rest of the gathered audience did laugh (which was, admittedly, a rare occurence) then she was silent.
Sadly enough, it was this woman's behavioural patterns that we noted more than the events of the play, which certainly speaks out about the quality of the performance.
The rest of the day was spent eating and travelling by train, neither of which are particularly exciting. I noticed more than ever the gaping hole in my relationship with the teacher I had offended via blog, so this definitely didn't help either.
I would say that at least we got a day off of school, but that also means that we are now significantly behind; something which we could do without right now, considering our bulbous workloads.
And, for some reason, my internet connection is currently running slower than dial up, which is causing me considerable frustration!
I'll blog something positive one of these days!

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