Thursday, February 23, 2006

Bloody Hell...

Well, last night certainly emerged as an...interesting one, for want of a better adjective.
Upon receiving two bouts of majorly bad news within the space of half an hour, I was left feeling a bit lost of what to do or say to the people involved. While only one will directly affect me in the coming weeks, the other is a woe brought to a dear friend of mine and I'm not sure how I can manage to comfort this person or help them in any way at all.
However, I must pull my finger out and try, as this friend has done the same for me in the past. What has happened to them is truly awful and I won't divulge any details here, but I must say I am deeply upset on their behalf, and paired with the second misfortune of the previous evening I am unsure about where to go from here.
I do pride myself on a single good quality, which is I'm a good listener, but there are some things that anyone would find difficult.
All I can do is offer to be there for everyone who is feeling the brunt of these things at the moment and keep smiling as I certainly am not the worst off in the whole scenario.

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