Sunday, February 05, 2006

Another ouchy poos

All I ever seem to do is hurt myself or be under the borderline of 'feeling fine' at most times. Now, for a great deal of reasons, I feel bad about having the ordasity to complain about feeling crap because a few friends are a lot worse off than I am, but hey, being ill and sore still sucks, even if it is minor.
I've been ordering myself to make a doctors appointment for some time but the lack of time, energy and 'being bothered' juice has make constrictions on these various attempts. For nearly two months I've been having harsh spells of sickness, headaches, muscular pains, chest pains, breathing difficulties for periods of time. The I fell fine but a few days later it returns. Thiss rhythm has eaten a chunk out of my school time and I have also had to take a lot of time off work (having been sent home on three different occasions recently)
So, yeah, I'm not sure what it is that keeps abusing my body in this way but I'm positive I'm spewing out more stuff than I'm guffing down.
Anyway, my most recent injury is unrelated to this.
In a scene reminicent of Laurel and Hardy, myself and my brother decided to move a rather heavy otomen that inhabits his room. Tweedle-dum dragged it while myself, tweedle-dee, pushed it. I admit, he did most of the work but I came off with the injru, rather irritatingly. As I went in for a rather intense push to shift it, it got stuck on a floorboard and didn't move at all, with the result that I instantly felt something take a sharp shift in my back.
And boy, has it ached since.
I cannot lift, move or sleep without groaning in pain!

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