Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Bedtime reading

As a budding blogger, I regularly experience 'blogger's block'. As someone who feels it necessary to post about SOMETHING every single day, it is often hard to come up with something to blog about. Most developing and established blog authors will support me on this rather obvious observation.
Well, a rare occurence occasionally comes along where I actually have a substantial heap of topics on which I'd like to natter about. tonight is one of those instances. So, along comes the decision...which one do I do it about? Which one is pressing most hard on my mind? Which one should I put down before I forget the details?
Well, I don't 'do' decisions as my best friend would tell you. I wouldn't even decide where in a rather small school we should spend the latest break time or free period without a gun to my head.
So, I think I will produce somewhat of a blabbering essay tonight covering three different topics, just to be awkward. I don't like not having a fixed theme but life's a bitch like that.
Firstly, a friend and work colleague of mine recently returned my attention to a minor situation which I had presumed resolved.
I shall start from the beginning in a shock twist of events. Back in December i was at the staff Christmas do when a slightly tipsy colleague I work with on a regular basis put a rather sudden question to me: 'are you gay?'
Apparantely, it turns out, someone told her i had 'come out' at school. Well, the rumour didn't bother me, I presumed it as a misunderstanding for a fellow school residnet misusing the word gay as a childish insult. However, last night, a colleague of mine who also happens to be a good friend of mine (I know, controversial, what would management say?) posed the very same question, having been plagued by a number of colleagues. As it turns out, there are still a number debating my sexuality and the source of this latest addition to the spinning rumour mill (we all get a turn) is a person at work I have never got on with. Knowing her from the age of 7, I worked out early on in my knowledge of her existance that this woman is a twisted bitch. Now, some may find that a strong assessment of this particular situation and I would agree with you. this alone does not warrant her that title. However, this woman has and will do a lot worse and does not have a true friend. Why? because she doesn't allow herself to like anybody. no matter what she says to someone's face, she will always insult them as soon as they turn a corner. This woman also likes to play the long game with certain people. She becomes their good friend and allows them to talk to her about anything. then, as soon as the person does something slightly to miff her and she has enough dirt, she will ditch them and spectacularly pull that person to pieces in every aspect that she is capable.
I am somewhat concerned as I am slowly witnessing the latest victim to follow this trend and no fine that it is going to end up messy. the person she's going to do it to next just so happens to be another of my friends and she is about to taste the venom of this person i can reasonably describe as pure evil.
If this woman had the same done to her by someopne whop knows a lot about her (including myself...I know things about her that could cause her plenty of problems) then perhaps she'd change her way. trouble is, no one matches her spite that i know of close by so this is unlikely to happen.
But enough about her, I want to moan about something else.
Today, I was armed with a teachers note to excuse me from the most mundane tutorial in existance. I was seeking permission to be released from the dungeon-like grip of General 'Waste Of time' Studies so i could spend time on coursework (you know assignments that actually provide a future not a doze) However, mr childish teacher decides that because the subject is drama then it isn't worth any alteration in the curriculum and denies permission. Seething with anger, I sat down in his overheated room, attempting to ignore the overpowering stench of body odour eminating from the deep, dank depths of his armpits. I thought to myself, this better be an important lesson that im wasting valuable time I could spend on work that matters for. So what was involved in this lesson? A quiz about FOOD and then hearing about a news story I already know about. Ahem. I put this to everyone who listens so i'm going to put it here...GENERAL STUDIES IS A MJOR WASTE OF TIME AND SHOULD BE ABOLISHED FROM THE CURRICULUM.
And finally, a concern came to me regarding my would be 13 year old love interest in the musical. I say would be as the former co star has made an unexpected return to her role. But, rumours are adrift (I am not convinced entirely as of yet because I am currently experiencing first hand how misleading rumours can be) that this 13 year old girl has a crush on me.
I've so far swept away this ridiculous suggestion brought to me...only to find from her behaviour that it doesn't seem so ridiculous after all.
oh Dear...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh dear indeed :o/