Tuesday, February 28, 2006

what possesses them...?

Last night heralded the return of an old nemesis for me as a pair of online psychopaths posing as moors murderers Ian Brady and Myra Hindley began threatening me in explicit ways.
Not only did they discuss what they were planning to violently do to me and my family (yawn) but also, much more fearsomely according to them, they were going to hack the computers of all of the email addresses I have on my MSN list
They don't worry or intimidate me but they are starting to prove quite an annoyance. Quite what their problem is or even where they came from in the first place is beyond me but if anyone I know starts receiving abuse, it's not me. My messenger has been hacked.
Ho-hum, the joys
Anyway, four blizzards today but no lying snow as of yet. The weather forecasts are promising though so I live in hope...!


IT'S SNOWING!!!!!!!!!!! YAY!!!!

Monday, February 27, 2006

The snow clouds are forming...!!!!

Deep, full to burst, blackened shapes are looming over the neighbourhood, full of what I hope is snow!
We've been promised it for so long!
So I just hope these clouds are the real deal and tomorrow is white in some way!

Sunday, February 26, 2006

Oh and by the way...

It probably hasn't escaped your notice but I don't DO spell checking or proof reading

Oh Pur-lease...

Why do some people think that they are a God and that their opinions are so highly more significant than the rest of us mortal beings?
My grandad has just gone through the long process it takes to seriously annoy me in a matter of five minutes. While I love him to bits his bigoted opinions put across like they are fact that all of mankind must adhere to never fail to frustrate me.
For example, he seems to think it is justified to claim that people from Scotland are scum.
Or to say that all asylum seekers should be hanged
Or to use the n word which I can't even type let alone say in casual referal to a black person.
He also sees fit to criticise parents at every turn on how they bring up kids, yet he has had no kids of his own (he is my grandad purely because he's with my granny. I never knew my real grandad)
Now my granda may sound an ogre from this but really he isn't...his heart is in the right place he just isn't wise.
The thing which enrages me is that he thinks he is.
And people who never accept when they are wrong or even listen to an opposing argument are, in my opinion, impossible to hold a conversation with.
My grandad, rather annoylingly, is in the mood tonight which sees his fit into that category.
I'm staying well out of the way

Saturday, February 25, 2006

Snow more to come?

I was delighted yesterday to be a witness to a brief flurry of snow, presuming it was a taster of weather to come
While it was over before I got the chance to get excited, I live in hope that the reports of -10 degree weather and huge blizzards hitting us next week are true!
I love snow, I love the cold...and I might get some time off of school in the bargain!

Thursday, February 23, 2006

Bloody Hell...

Well, last night certainly emerged as an...interesting one, for want of a better adjective.
Upon receiving two bouts of majorly bad news within the space of half an hour, I was left feeling a bit lost of what to do or say to the people involved. While only one will directly affect me in the coming weeks, the other is a woe brought to a dear friend of mine and I'm not sure how I can manage to comfort this person or help them in any way at all.
However, I must pull my finger out and try, as this friend has done the same for me in the past. What has happened to them is truly awful and I won't divulge any details here, but I must say I am deeply upset on their behalf, and paired with the second misfortune of the previous evening I am unsure about where to go from here.
I do pride myself on a single good quality, which is I'm a good listener, but there are some things that anyone would find difficult.
All I can do is offer to be there for everyone who is feeling the brunt of these things at the moment and keep smiling as I certainly am not the worst off in the whole scenario.

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

A dramatic day

Don't be overly intrigued by the title of my latest ramblings, the adjective merely refers to the theme of what I did to day...drama, obviously.
Waking up and dragging my carcass out of the house at an early hour, I did the unthinkable and went into school during half term. This proposterous idea would not have been comprehensable in my wildest dreams but nevertheless, there I was, in that gloomy building of torture and pain to rehearse for my exam piece.
With precisely one week to go, it was time to begin the procedure of panicking. Or working hard. We chose the latter and steamed through rehearsals until I'm positively sick of yelling 'You filthy heathen!' and hearing 'Oh, Arthur, I love you so much!'
However, we thespians have to do what needs done and I'm relieved to say it is finallt taking shape. Pair this with the positively orgasmic fact that I've finished the biggest piece of coursework I've evr written for school and this devised piece may not be so bad after all.
And the best thing is...by this time next week it will just be a distant memory.
So we can then panic about the musical...but I'll cross that bridge when I come to it

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Marvels of the human race

I have been, and almost definitely always will be, pesimistic about the race of human beings. Any species that can't resolve differences without blowing eachother up, which displays such unease and intolerance of those who's lifestyles and cultures are different and who will ultimately lead to the physical and psychological destruction of the entire planet ought to be severley kicked up the jacksie by the powers that be, if any such thing exists.
However, that is not to say that I cannot appreciate particular members of the human race who are just truly amazing people.
I would like to dedicate this post (yeah, what an honour eh?) to one person especially who I have spent the last few days in close proximity to and who has emphasised true bravery and has left me, once again, in awe of her.
This lady, tragically, was last year diagnosed with breast cancer. In the months since, rather than falling to pieces like would be expected, she has carried on as normal. I think, in well over half a year since she was diagnosed, I have only ever seen her with tears in her eyes on two occasions.
Not only does she put up with her condition and fight it, she continues to excel in areas that some perfectly healthy beings cannot hold a torch to. She has hardly taken any sick time off of work and continued to adhere to the pressures of retail employment. And, most of all, she has managed to maintain her warm personality and her amazing sense of humour at all times.
I can honestly say that I don't know how she does it.
This weekend, I was particularly concerned for her. It was my belief that she should not have been working, but, naively of me, I have often underestimated her. While she looked worryingly and heart wrenchily gaunt and exhausted, she was still merry and full of life and by an hour later, I was scalding myself for being patronising.
After a heavy weekend of work (I'm not saying that in a condescending way; I'm saying it because I found it heavy), she was in again the very next day; the same week she was having to travel for chemotherapy treatment.
Not only did she come in on Monday; she also planned to return to work on Friday.
Behind quite a small lady, lies unbreakable bravery and determination; so much so that it seems like she disreards her illness as nothing important. While I know it often weighs heavily on her mind, she never lets it show and anyone coming in and seeing her without knowing her will not notice that there is anything amiss.
Now, her lovely hair is growing back and she looks great. She is looking forward to the summer when it will all be over and she can say that she has won.
But, it is in my view that she doesn't have to wait for treatment to end for her to declare that. From the day she was diagnosed, she won the fight.
I am enormously proud to be her friend and I find it such an honour to know such an amazing woman.
And it puts the scumbags of the human race to great shame.

Sunday, February 19, 2006

Panic Stations

Well the pressure is mounting and I am faced with something I haven't come across before...a piece of coursework that I cannot wangle and haggle over the deadline.
Yes, this portfolio of work MUST be in on Wednesday or else I fail the entire course. I'm not sure how far through it I am but I need to build up 2000 words of pure analytical quality as well as a hefty combination of photographs, research and such-like concerning my devised drama for theatre studies.
This would be in the realms of possibility if I hadn't been working all weekend, due in at work all through next week and have rehearsals on the day before the dreaded deadline.
Admittedly, once it has made the first deadline, I then have another week to improve it based on the markings of my teacher so I will still have a chance to up the grade, but nevertheless, this is probably the biggest amount of pressure I've ever faced at school and the enormity of it's importance in my future success has recently just hit me and I am positively terrified.
Not only that, I also have a website to build for an ICT project and a project for English language to complete.
And, once all that is out the way, there's no chance of nodding off to sleep...as I have to read a whole book in a week as well.
God, I hate school. Just over a year to go however...then I'm taking a year out.
I think I deserve it!
Heh. Wish me luck!

Saturday, February 18, 2006

An empty chapter

You are just destined not to know what happened in the days I have not posted anything.
The reason from the abscence of fresh drivel on my blog was another internet breakdown as my less than intelligent stepdad decided to fiddle around with a few wires here and there.
The result being that we were left cut off from the world; being without internet or phone.
Not that I've had much time to worry about that weirdly enough.
Coursework to be in, exam approaching and a musical in a month...too much to prepare for!
Sigh...it never ends!

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Dithering through a dilemma

While wandering down in the early hours of the morning and donning a seriously unfetching shirt for filming, I discovered some interesting mail underneath the heaps of Valentine's cards addressed to me.
It was claiming to me that, following an application for a job post they want me to go along for an interview.
I'm in two minds over whether to do this.
I must admit, when initially sending out the application, I was situated at the back end of a seriously bad week at work. While I still desire a more simplistic and less stressful occupation (albeit temporary), one half of me is listening to the words of a friend who warned me I would probably regret it and get very bored very quickly.
I have been fortunate to land a part time job in teenage years that I don't dread going in to (not always anyway) and it is quite a boost to self esteem to be given higher responsibilities than would generally be expected at this age.
I know that going to an interview doesn't guarantee me a job. I also know that they will contact my current manager and ask for a reference. Therefore going along to the interview would effectively be my final decision concerning my current job. My manager is a pain in the arse at the best of times and this would only increase if he knew I was applying elsewhere.
I'm not quite sure what to do for the better to be honest.
It's a shame that I haven't got any time to think about it.

Monday, February 13, 2006

Dubious Dedication

My posting takes on a rather different form this evening. Unsure of what to ramble on about, I asked the advice of my girlfriend. The topic she chose, remarkably, was herself. So here it is, her claim to fame
Tomorrow, she will be making a trip similar to the one I did precisely a year ago and auditioning for the National Youth theatre of Britain.
While I know she will excel any expectations the judge has, she has a somewhat frustrating attribute that causes her to underestimate her own abilities and herself in general
This quality has often given me cause for concern for I don't see anything which hinders my view of her; which is that she is very special
As well as being absolutely gorgeous, she is also one of the funniest people I've met with the warmest nature and she is amazing fun to be around.
So, I'll use this post to express to her how much I love her and how proud I am of her.
And, of course, to show everyone else that I can be soft when I want to be.

Sunday, February 12, 2006

Forever in memory and heart

Today is a rather poignant day for me as, four years ago, on this date, I lost someone very close to me and it triggered the demise of another relative some weeks later.
I was shocked to receive a phone call telling me that my aunt had been found dead, hanging from the tree in her usually tranquil back garden in Surrey.
Having just seen her at Christmas time in high spirit, I was numb with the shock of this. She was someone I had always been able to talk to,and have a laugh with. She would treat me as an equal, even though I was physically considered a child and this day never fails to make me miss her with a dreadful ferocity.
It had been presumed at the time, that she had killed herself as a result of a blazing row with my uncle. But, there came a point during the inquest where everyone started to suspect more horrendous deeds had been done and my uncle soon found himself in the frame. While this was soon dismissed during the investigation, it didn't stop my late aunty's family plaguing him.
One day just a few weeks later, they were following him on the road and next thing we heard was he had been killed in a 'road rage incident'
I had gotten on well with my uncle as well and this only led to further anguish for my family.

I'm not religious, nor do I have a fixed theory on what comes after death, but all I hope is that they are together where they belong, where nobody can harm them.
Having died in their twenties it was a cruel twist of fate to have been torn apart in such a way.

They will remain in my heart and many others forever.

Saturday, February 11, 2006


Bah, another day at the office; not good. I shouldn't complain, having had the whole week off, but god, I hate that place!
Well, hate's rather strong actually, there are occasions, depending on a wide variety of factors, where I get up and go to work, maintain a pleasant, cheerful and fun loving persona and enjoy the day.
Yes, sad as it is, I often enjoy my job.
Today, however, wasn't one of those occasions, I'm disappointed to say.
I was largely to blame for this. I came in (late courtesy of my father who somehow managed to struggle to get me there for the rather late hour of 11 oclock) in a sour mood, ridden with illness.
People who I normally like, became exceedingly annoying today, and for some reason I became everyone's slave. 'Get me a ruler' 'Go and fetch my paperwork from upstairs' 'Get me some carrier bags' 'Go to the toilet for me'
And the customers were even worse. 'I say 'Just go and get the item you'd like' '
They reply: 'Well can I not just tell you what it is and you go and get it'
Which brings me neatly on today's main topic: laziness.
This is something I cannot understand or justify on any occasion. I hate lazy people and, having spent a day at work, my colleagues highlighted the positive and negative attributes associated with this.
Example: It was five minutes to six, we were short staffed and were about to be crippled further by the departure of most of the staff we DID have. I asked one member of staff who finished at 6 if he would quickly put an item aside for a customer. In front of the customer he shrugs and says: 'I'm finished now'
Having expected this reaction from the blundering oaf, I decided on a small experiment and enlisted the help of a more reliable and hard grafting employee. Now, he also finished at six but he was more than happy, even after probably enduring the most stressful day out of everyone there, to carry out the task. And while he was delayed by a massive four minutes, he didn't show any sign of resentment. Hell, I have had to stay an hour and a half after my designated exit time before.
But here's where it gets unfair. We have a large quantitiy of lazy individuals working with us. No matter how late they are, how ignorant to customers they are, how much they refuse to do tasks given to them, how much they lie to get out of doing a job or trouble, they are kept on and paid the very same. Yet, we have people dashing around like maniacs, offering fantastic service and answering every call. The result? We stop calling the lazy ones and give all the jobs to the people who work, because they are reliable. I certainly felt very guilty and apologised on many occasions to one individual who must've surely thought I was picking on him. the truth was, he was one of two there who I could call upon and know that the job would get done.
Now while I have my fair share of non work related chatter with the people I work in close proximity with and often muck about, I still do my job.
Unlike one individual today who told us not to call any of her staff and only use our own. Which left us with one nutter rushing around doing everything and two checkout operators. The thing that annoys me about certain people in authority is that they can practically phone up, ask you not to give them anything to do and there's sod all you can do about it. Basically, the more power you have, the more right you weild to get out of doing your job.
Personally, my legs are sore and I have a headache with stress. I know two colleagues who, upon leaving work, have felt stressed and sore. And it just annoys me to see those who havent done a bit of work, slowly dawdling to the clocking out machine 10 minutes before their shift ends, pretending to read the notices they have looked at ten million times before on the staff bulletin boards and wandering out without experiencing the strains that come hand in hand with hard graft.
If everyone did their fair share then no one would need to overwork to clear up others' messes and end up stressed and fatigued.
Alas, the world doesn't work that way, and my workplace certainly doesn't.
I have applied for other jobs, no doubt they will be much the same, but I won't need to have such high responsibility. I can just look forward to sitting mindlessly at a till, scanning barcodes and then go home on time, with no stresses lingering with me and no responsibility to plague me at no extra gain.
Until then, I'll just have to make do with what I have got and bear it

Bleugh (literally)

My frustration levels concerning the longetivity of my illness have just peaked to a new height.
Partaking on what should be an enjoyable and relaxing lunch hour away from the trials and stresses of work, I have spent much of my free time bending over the bog throwing out torrents of previously munched food, combined with the contents of my stomach.
I haven't been on form all day, with a pounding headache and regular heat flushes that have made me feel fit to collapse.
I now have to scrub my mouth out more thoroughly than usual to extinguish the stench of vomit from my breath (lovely, I know) and put on my most convincing 'hello customer I'm really happy that you've come to complain' face while feeling wretched inside.
Oh, joy.

Friday, February 10, 2006

Valentines, Simpsons and a whole lotta sherbert!

For the second day on the trot, I ventured out of school during designated education hours (authorised, don't panic), this time to pur-chase a Valentine's gift.
Yes, that dreaded day is drawing ever closer and will soon be determining the fates of couples across the land. That devilish choice over whether to splash out and go overboard, only to scare off your other half or to just be calm and collected and give her something small, only to offend her to the other extreme.
It's certainly my own nightmare to receive something extravavgant and then hand over something quite pathetic in comparison. I personally don't care what I receive, I always make it clear that I'd feel best receiving nothing at all but it's the agonising torment of fretting over my own choice for her that is the difficult bit.
The best method to please on valentines day is romantic gestures and excessive pampering but that's too much like hard work and I'm certainly not inventive enough. I can pen the odd poem or cook a decent meal but that's as far as my abilities will stretch on occasions such as these.
Those who know me well will also know that my stance on Valentine's Day is in the negative region. Aside from the reckless throwing away of well earned money to please a loved one, it's also something that has to be topped each year. If I get her chocolates this year, then next year I'll have to get her jewellery, then the next year I'll have to take her on holiday, then the year after that I'll have to get her favourite musician to serenade her and then the year after give her my soul or something.
One good thing that comes out of valentine's Day (well aside from the obvious cliche fuzzy feelings) is actually for the singletons among us. Those bachelors and bachelorettes of the population can use Valentine's day to give people in a relationship the middle finger as they hold on to their money and sit back with popcorn to watch us dashing around like maniacs, tring to find something original.
There is always the scenario of your partner meeting up with friends and having a discussion similar to this.
"Well, my Charlie flew me round the world in a heart shaped aeroplane and sang various love songs with an orchestra all the way."
"Oh, well that's nothing! Alan carried me 15 miles across a path of rose petals he had made and presented me with a gift to resemble all of the positive feelings he felt for me."
"Well gary took me on holiday...to the promised land! What about you?"
"Errr, well I got some chocolates and a nice bunch of flowers"

Women have such high expectations and such high amount of pride that they see it as a competition. If they lose and your friends better you at being treated well, you are dumped!
Of course, I don't speak for the entire female race when I talk about this.
But I've certaily been met with a similar scenario and I'm sure a lot of others have.
I can't say what i bought today, as my dearest may well be reading this! But, I can safely say, it is unimaginative, unoriginal and deeply cliche! And she'lll just have to make do with it!
Because I don't DO valentines day!

Thursday, February 09, 2006

A day out

Today we managed to wangle a day out of the repetitive process that is a school day by venturing out into the centre of Newcastle to see a theatre production. Since my theatre studies course began, I have made this journey several times (and my bank statements have reflected this!) but today has to have been the most tedious instance of the lot.
There are quite a few reasons for this. The most obvious one was that the show we went to see resembled the quality of a heap of recently excreted waste. The storyline was dreadful and the acting was so over the top it was in the clouds.
All of the accents were overly posh and the actors spoke so fast with the result that their words merged merely to produce an elongated length of monotonal noise.
We had no idea what was going on and were soon plunged into the depths of boredom.
The only amusement we received was an old lady sitting behind us who would chuckle in a manly way at inopportune intervals. We soon noticed that she had a scale of approval. If she released a single ha, then it was worth acknowledging, but not really anything special. And, as the quantity of has increased (up to a final total of 4, I believe), so did the quality of the moment. To her anyway. The moments she chose to laugh at were not intended for comedy, were often mid sentence or during periods of dramatic silence or when something serious actually happened. When the rest of the gathered audience did laugh (which was, admittedly, a rare occurence) then she was silent.
Sadly enough, it was this woman's behavioural patterns that we noted more than the events of the play, which certainly speaks out about the quality of the performance.
The rest of the day was spent eating and travelling by train, neither of which are particularly exciting. I noticed more than ever the gaping hole in my relationship with the teacher I had offended via blog, so this definitely didn't help either.
I would say that at least we got a day off of school, but that also means that we are now significantly behind; something which we could do without right now, considering our bulbous workloads.
And, for some reason, my internet connection is currently running slower than dial up, which is causing me considerable frustration!
I'll blog something positive one of these days!

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Bedtime reading

As a budding blogger, I regularly experience 'blogger's block'. As someone who feels it necessary to post about SOMETHING every single day, it is often hard to come up with something to blog about. Most developing and established blog authors will support me on this rather obvious observation.
Well, a rare occurence occasionally comes along where I actually have a substantial heap of topics on which I'd like to natter about. tonight is one of those instances. So, along comes the decision...which one do I do it about? Which one is pressing most hard on my mind? Which one should I put down before I forget the details?
Well, I don't 'do' decisions as my best friend would tell you. I wouldn't even decide where in a rather small school we should spend the latest break time or free period without a gun to my head.
So, I think I will produce somewhat of a blabbering essay tonight covering three different topics, just to be awkward. I don't like not having a fixed theme but life's a bitch like that.
Firstly, a friend and work colleague of mine recently returned my attention to a minor situation which I had presumed resolved.
I shall start from the beginning in a shock twist of events. Back in December i was at the staff Christmas do when a slightly tipsy colleague I work with on a regular basis put a rather sudden question to me: 'are you gay?'
Apparantely, it turns out, someone told her i had 'come out' at school. Well, the rumour didn't bother me, I presumed it as a misunderstanding for a fellow school residnet misusing the word gay as a childish insult. However, last night, a colleague of mine who also happens to be a good friend of mine (I know, controversial, what would management say?) posed the very same question, having been plagued by a number of colleagues. As it turns out, there are still a number debating my sexuality and the source of this latest addition to the spinning rumour mill (we all get a turn) is a person at work I have never got on with. Knowing her from the age of 7, I worked out early on in my knowledge of her existance that this woman is a twisted bitch. Now, some may find that a strong assessment of this particular situation and I would agree with you. this alone does not warrant her that title. However, this woman has and will do a lot worse and does not have a true friend. Why? because she doesn't allow herself to like anybody. no matter what she says to someone's face, she will always insult them as soon as they turn a corner. This woman also likes to play the long game with certain people. She becomes their good friend and allows them to talk to her about anything. then, as soon as the person does something slightly to miff her and she has enough dirt, she will ditch them and spectacularly pull that person to pieces in every aspect that she is capable.
I am somewhat concerned as I am slowly witnessing the latest victim to follow this trend and no fine that it is going to end up messy. the person she's going to do it to next just so happens to be another of my friends and she is about to taste the venom of this person i can reasonably describe as pure evil.
If this woman had the same done to her by someopne whop knows a lot about her (including myself...I know things about her that could cause her plenty of problems) then perhaps she'd change her way. trouble is, no one matches her spite that i know of close by so this is unlikely to happen.
But enough about her, I want to moan about something else.
Today, I was armed with a teachers note to excuse me from the most mundane tutorial in existance. I was seeking permission to be released from the dungeon-like grip of General 'Waste Of time' Studies so i could spend time on coursework (you know assignments that actually provide a future not a doze) However, mr childish teacher decides that because the subject is drama then it isn't worth any alteration in the curriculum and denies permission. Seething with anger, I sat down in his overheated room, attempting to ignore the overpowering stench of body odour eminating from the deep, dank depths of his armpits. I thought to myself, this better be an important lesson that im wasting valuable time I could spend on work that matters for. So what was involved in this lesson? A quiz about FOOD and then hearing about a news story I already know about. Ahem. I put this to everyone who listens so i'm going to put it here...GENERAL STUDIES IS A MJOR WASTE OF TIME AND SHOULD BE ABOLISHED FROM THE CURRICULUM.
And finally, a concern came to me regarding my would be 13 year old love interest in the musical. I say would be as the former co star has made an unexpected return to her role. But, rumours are adrift (I am not convinced entirely as of yet because I am currently experiencing first hand how misleading rumours can be) that this 13 year old girl has a crush on me.
I've so far swept away this ridiculous suggestion brought to me...only to find from her behaviour that it doesn't seem so ridiculous after all.
oh Dear...

Monday, February 06, 2006

Another technical saga

Those of us who inhabit the internet like lost souls on a regular basis will know the pain, anguish and consequent desperation that is suffered when it goes on one of it's regular blip.
Well, third week into my no internet existance and two months since I last had it on my own computer, I was at the end of my tether earlier this evening.
This afternoon, the situation was thus. I had finally succeeded in getting Tiscali to work on my brother's computer so we HAD internet. I had pur-chased a networking hoo-ha for eighty pounds but the modem for this has not worked so far so I couldn't link both computers.
So there I was, minding my own boring business, surfing, emailing and typing away when my brother barges in and chucks me off of his computer in a petty revenge for when the internet was on my computer.
I was not best pleased by this rather unfair turn of events and naturally obstructed his attempts to heave me out of my adored position in front of the computer monitor.
Naturally, as the computer is his, there was very little I could do save for reminding him how generous I normally am to him and who pays moeny into the house (it's me if you didn't get that)
So in one corner we have hard studying, hard working, board paying, un-tempermental to parent me and in the other we have lazy, foul mouthed, thief him!
I must admit, blinded by these factors, I was smugly convinced that I would surely win this feud.
Alas, things weren't to be and another bout of younger child favouritism reared it's ugly head.
I don't take kindly to unfairness and I was certain that in this instance I was right and I argued my case and things got heated and, on both parts, very petty.
However, in a rare occurence, this story actually has a pleasant ending. After much more fiddling and technical support I have now networked the computers and both now have the internet.
Hmm, that sentence didn't quite put across the enormity of what it described.


I'm a happy bunny now!

Bordering on Indecency!

As the time of my performance in a musical draws steadily closer, an unfortunate twist has made me nervous on a whole new scale altogether.
The person who was due to play my love interest may not be able to perform due to illness. Now, initially I was relieved as I've never liked her, she's impossible to act with and well, rather shallowly, I certainly didn't want to snog her on stage.
So I thought, well, it can only be a good change, can't it?
I often pride myself on my ability to be sorely wrong on inappropriate situations and this was one of those instances.
My NEW co-star is a student I teach drama to.
The person I have to sing love songs to, embrace and smooch on stage is...13 years old!!!!!
Now, to me, this feels a tad wrong. When I say a tad, I mean very very very very very very very wrong!
I am certainly ot comfortable with it! I don't care if it's just drama and it's acting! I don't care if everyone knows it's fake (I'm hoping this applies to her father in the crowd too) and I don't care that we get on well anyway.
No matter which way you look at it, I have to kiss a 13 year old child!
Oh woe is me and all that jazz...HELP!

Sunday, February 05, 2006

The internet

This week saw my change from Wanadoo to Tiscali and I found myself thinking something I never thought I ever would: that I miss Wanadoo!
Why? Because, unlike Tiscali up until tonight, Wanadoo provided me with the internet!
Since I bade good riddance to Wanadoo and set up Tiscali, I've been internet less and have suffered cold turkey with NO access for over a week!
After much fannying about with various wires, ports and various other electronic devices, we gave in and decided to ask for help. The only help that was given was to my temper which was aided in it'sprogrssion to being released!
As I have made clear before, I am far from racist but I cannot stand asking advice from people whom I don't understand and, more importantly, who do not understand me!
The guy didn't havbe a clue what I was on about and as that had no chance of giving me internet I began to feel frustrated, particulalry as I was concious of the phone bill steadily rising.
As it happened, much fiddling today has finally got me connected...albeit on my brothers computer. My next step is getting the £80 equipment I have purchased recently that is designed to link multiple computers to one connection to work.
But that is for another day!

Another ouchy poos

All I ever seem to do is hurt myself or be under the borderline of 'feeling fine' at most times. Now, for a great deal of reasons, I feel bad about having the ordasity to complain about feeling crap because a few friends are a lot worse off than I am, but hey, being ill and sore still sucks, even if it is minor.
I've been ordering myself to make a doctors appointment for some time but the lack of time, energy and 'being bothered' juice has make constrictions on these various attempts. For nearly two months I've been having harsh spells of sickness, headaches, muscular pains, chest pains, breathing difficulties for periods of time. The I fell fine but a few days later it returns. Thiss rhythm has eaten a chunk out of my school time and I have also had to take a lot of time off work (having been sent home on three different occasions recently)
So, yeah, I'm not sure what it is that keeps abusing my body in this way but I'm positive I'm spewing out more stuff than I'm guffing down.
Anyway, my most recent injury is unrelated to this.
In a scene reminicent of Laurel and Hardy, myself and my brother decided to move a rather heavy otomen that inhabits his room. Tweedle-dum dragged it while myself, tweedle-dee, pushed it. I admit, he did most of the work but I came off with the injru, rather irritatingly. As I went in for a rather intense push to shift it, it got stuck on a floorboard and didn't move at all, with the result that I instantly felt something take a sharp shift in my back.
And boy, has it ached since.
I cannot lift, move or sleep without groaning in pain!

Bah! That's the way the cookie crumbles

My lack of subtlety and integraty became my former blog's downfall, as a dramatic showdown (well, not overly dramatic, but as I explained, I do tend to exaggerate on occasion when posting) rocked my school
You may remember a rather negative post I made concerning a school teacher. Well, naturally as sod's law and my general run of bad luck would have it, the teacher it was based (loosely) upon happened upon it and read the full sordid details.
I was dragged into the head of year's office, grumbled at and then I made a series of apologies to the lady concerned. I must admit, I haven't felt such a high amount of guilt in quite some time as she definitely took it to heart.
All appears sorted now, but I know and she knows that it has permanentely damaged our once blossoming relationship.
Well, shit happens

At larst!

Well, here's my new blog and this one is a more permanent hoo-hah. I've built up quite a few things I want to blog about in my abscence so they're all going to come at once