Monday, March 13, 2006

Self Discipline (Or lack of...)

Being off school, I thought it necessary to at least do SOMETHING productive today, and with the musical two weeks away, the decision of what this something could be was not a difficult one to make.
So I decided to put my nose into my script and learn lines like never before!
So, I set about searching for my script. However, while I was doing so, I struck up a conversation with my mother. Without really noticing I ended up sitting down and this natter lasted over an hour. Telling her I needed to learn lines, I got off my jacksie once again and headed upstairs. I found my script lying beside the computer. Unfortunately, the computer happened to be on, so I decided to check my email. One of these messages contained a request that I look for something a friend left at my house on their last visit. I went downstairs and located this item. I then happened upon the smell of food and thought I'd have some lunch before getting down to work.
I ate my lunch then impulsively went for a bath as well as my muslces were hurting and I still felt generally shoddy. When the bath had become suitably cold, I vacated it then tried to remember what I'd been doing.
Aha, yes learning lines!
I returned to my room and noticed, not for the first time that it was in a bit of a tip. So I set about tidying it up. Once this was done, I ended up plopped in front of my computer again and browsing. I scolded myself and ordered myself to do some damn learning, only to remember that I hadn't updated this thing today.
My NEXT step surely must be the script.
I got up at 9am planning to learn lines for the day. It is now half past 2 and I haven't even opened the damned script!


Anonymous said...

sounds a lot like me ..... cept on a daily basis...

i have to learn lines also 2day.. feck!

Wallo said...

abz: Hope it went okay in the end! xx