Sunday, March 19, 2006

The perils of matchmaking!

Sit in a circle, children. It's story time.

I am going to relate a sordid tale that took place last year for two main reasons. As it was precisely one year ago and also because I nearly placed the foundations for it all to happen all over again just last week.

Playing cupid is never a smart or wise thing to do, no matter how well suited a couple seem. I am speaking from personal experience, and this self-reminder stopped me from sewing the seeds of romance between my best friend and a girl he knows last week. They have a fabulous chemistry and are majorly alike and I genuinely think they DO fancy eachother.
BUT, due to events from last year, I am staying well out of it this time round.

My friend, who I shall call D for the purpose of this story and myself, had a close knit group of friends this time last year. Well that's a lie, we were members of two friendship groups. The particular one I am referring to is the one which contained three females, P, S and L.
(Yeah this letter thing is gonna get confusing isn't it? We shall try)

Well, long before L came along, we were good friends with S and P and, I personally got closer than I initially expected to to P. She was wacky, funny, clever and unique and it was her distinctiveness which sparked an attraction. However, as the story went, things were not to be, and I certainly am thankful now that nothing went further.
When L came along, I ended up preoccupied with her and I ended up falling for her harder than I ever have with anyone. D (my inital best friend...the male one...keep up!) however, began to like P but claims to this day he never wanted to do anything about it as he presumed that me and P were an item. Well, I extracted his feelings out of him and he confessed he felt strongly for her.

SO myself and a teacher at the school who was a good friend of ours, conspired to get them together. Both of them had now admitted strong feelings and both knew the other felt the same. So both knew exactly what was going on when we sat them down together. However, shyness prevented either of them from making a move, so myself and teacher forced it out of them...I blocked the door from the other side and the teahcer threatened detention if D didn't ask P out.
So it was thus...I was seeing L and D was seeing P.
Myself and L atr this time were very rosey and very close.
But where did that leave S? Not one to fade into the background or be quiet, S started to stir trouble upon hearing that we had ventured out on a double date (this date involved myself and L desperately trying to get the bashful D and P to talk to eachother...a task they refused to undertake!)
Feeling a tad jealous, S leapt into action when a hole appeared in D and P's relationship and claimed that she and D were now seeing eachother. D and P overcame this, as did our friendship with S...but it wouldn't last much longer. P and S began bitching (as girls do) about D and things spiralled rather out of control. P emerged as the psycho she truly is, and to cut a long and confusing spiel short, she began using D for her own twisted amusement. I probably should have been aware of her loopy tendencies when she began following me round school and to work (she would stay for my full shift!) before everything with D.
Well, myself and L were as strong as could be...but boredom of tormenting D to the brink of a nervous breakdown began to niggle P and she moved onto her next victim. I had a go at P for what she did to D and P exploited this and exaggerated things out of proportion to drive a mjor rift between myself and L. As neither of us knew at the time that P was going between us and planting poison, we were never sure exactly what went wrong, hence why it was difficult to sort things out. After numerous bickering matches and subsequent heart to hearts, L called things a day with me. Unsure as of why, I asked her to meet me. However, P got wind of this, and, as I joined L for a talk, P waltzes up with S and interrupts, talking about things that really don't matter.
L only had a limited time and eventually had to depart. She did this without even looking at me. This was the last chance and P had put a stop to it.
I still was none the wiser at this stage but P wasn't quite finished yet.
She got S on board and persuaded her to start seeing me to rub L's nose out of joint.
At first, I was way too cut up over L to even notice S, but eventually, I thought it might be the only way to get over her.
However, after she mucked around with me in front of L and rubbed her up the wrong way...we had a nightmare double date which involved P and her new boyfriend.
This turned out to be a dreadful afternoon and also the last time I spoke properly to P and S, aside from the odd snippets of conversation since with S (this was the result of a revenge plot myself and D constructed but never had the heart to carry out) and a single conversation with P at Christmas.

It was just after my split with the short lived romance (if it could be described in such flowery terms) with S that I pieced together what P had actually done between myself and L. She admitted via email that she had deliberately set out and eventually succeeded in breaking us up, a fact both myself and L are now fully aware.
By this time, too much had happened and it was too late to salvage anything.

But, remembering these few months of chaos and torment has brought me to my senses. If anything I should be dragging D away from romances, not pushing him into them!
I'm not sure I'm quite ready yet to deal with another psycho!

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