Sunday, March 26, 2006

Oh the Power!

I don't get it. Why are some men (and women) such utter control freaks? I refer specifically to my stepdad, but am fully aware that similar items of scum exist in abundance across the globe.
I cannot understand the personality of this type of human, no matter what angle I look at it . What kind of depraved individual would get kicks from inflicting misery upon the person they supposedly love? Does ordering your partner around like they are a badly looked after dog really induce such a pleasant feeling?
The incident last night, was, as ever, a small one. But, with someone like my stepdad involved, it soon snowballed into the realm of chaos.
My stepdad had taken my mother out to the pub and a good time was had. However, my mum had to comfort a sobbing friend who had had a drink fuelled argument with her husband (hmm sounds familiar)
Mr Stepdad pokes his head through the door. He has decided it is time to go. my mother replies that she will be five minutes. Dangerous tone adopted. "No we are going now"
My mother again says she needs to finish her drink and make sure friend is okay.
Stepdad leaves, only to turn around and sneer "Big mistake"
My mother arrived home not ten minutes after him. But big baby hadn't got his way.
Cue copious amounts of swearing, threats to leave (yeah, like that'd be a bad thing) and, the next day, he also decided to cancel the mother's day meal my mother had been looking forward to.
As it happens, the meal went ahead, and would've done anyway as I would've taken her out, but this guy is so clearly and unstabely (real word??) insecure that he must weild control over every situation.
This was a minor event, but once again highlighted my sincere dislike for this ample nosed weasel
Bah, if i haven't hit him by the time I leave home, it will be a wonder!

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