Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Day Two

Today turned out to be more of a shambles than it's predecessor.
Not a single thing went right today, it felt as though the events had been taken straight out of a Laurel and hardy picture.
Firstly, we needed to edit the film of the headteacher narrating the storyline. the one computer in the school which is registered with the software capable of doing this was in a classroom which happened to be occupied by workshops all day. No access there. So we needed to find a member of staff with it on their laptop. So we went to reception to locate this certain teacher...but the receptionists are on strike.
Leaving that idea for another time, we decided to film another piece required between two characters during a musical number. only one of these people was off sick.
So that put paid to that idea. i then ended up babysitting for an hour, looking over a teacher's child while she was busy. Busy fiddling with the lights which are still not ready.
We then finally got round to making these monster tentacles, and that took up a huge amount of time. They also take up far too much space backstage and the choreography looks diabolical
When we eventually got round to rehearsing...Act Two is still a shambles. The music director and the band keep stopping and mucking up and the brass keep coming in at the wrong times
Frustrations were definitely at a height. Let'shope Day three and Performances One and Two bring this musical's first (and much needed) pieces of good fortune

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