Saturday, March 11, 2006

The worm turns!

Today, a friend told me of quite an amusing story, which I will attempt to relate here in the same quality of humour as it was originally presented to me.
It is certainly down to tastes in humour. Some people will think it was pretty irresponsible and unfunny...but it certainly made me cackle.
Basically...two people I know were mucking about and, as you do when you're bored, they picked up the phone, looked up victims situated in Liverpool and made a series of amusing phone calls.
One household they contacted, they made a series of muffled, choking noises, instead of offering standard constructed vocabulary. This prompted a somewhat unexpected response. The lady on the other line presumed it was her mother and proceeded to tell the lads that help was on it's way and that they aren't to worry.
She had an automatic dialling button to send help to her mother's home and the lads heard this pressed. Suddenly, their joke wasn't so funny and emergency services were heading to a frail old lady who was okay really, while her daughter was panicking.
Carrying on their responsible stance to the situation, they promptly hung up.
However, a last minute stab of conscience found them re-contacting the number and coming clean. Full of apologies, they managed to rectify the trouble they had caused.
Whether or not the emergency services DID pay a visit to the mother, I don't quite know. But this story did manage to make me snigger...even if it just was at the expense of two immature oafs

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