Saturday, March 11, 2006


Today was rather poignantly sad for me as it was a close colleagues last day at work. When I started in my job just over a year ago, she was the first person I struck up a friendship with and somehow, we got on like a house on fire really quickly and became really close friends. She was what made work shifts bearable and we have had many a laugh together in and out of work. Basically, I could call her the sole reason I didn't leave the job when I seriously considered doing so a few months back.
However, due to a complicated ho-ding with the powers that be, she was unable to stay on without comprimise and, for me anyway, there will certainly be a big gaping hole from now on.
Rather annoyingly, today also happened to be painfully busy so I hardly managed to speak two words to her. In actual fact, my goodbye from work was rushed and short, as I finished my shift an hour earlier than she was due to.
When I realised that I'd left something at work and returned to collect it, I decided to wait and say my goodbyes properly. Even though I shall see her on a regular basis, it still didn't stop the moment from almost descending into teariness!

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