Thursday, March 23, 2006 feet!

I'm starting to feel the strain of the hectic workloads I seem to be enduring lately. paired with regular bouts of feeling below average, days of being on my feet 9-9 aren't good!
Today is a prime example. I walked to school at half past 8, performed a music hit from the school show in an assembly at 9. I then had rehearsals non stop between 9 and 5. And, as if I wasn't tired enough, I had to walk straight to work so as not to be late and spend 3 hours dashing about like a maniac. Surely, by the time the end of the shift came, it was time to sit down.
Well you would have thought so but my mother had given me a massive shopping list so a detour to a supermarket was scheduled. I got home at half past 9 and I literally had to stop a conversation so I could go and sit down as my feet were killing me. I now have to write a website column that is due.
No rest for the wicked

PS No hope of an early night either. Green wing doesn't finish until an absurd hour like 1.30 am. :(

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