Thursday, March 30, 2006

Day Four

Day Four involved a very slow day indeed. As in, I wasn't required to go into school until 6pm. This thought cheered me up but, upon waking early as usual, still full of adrenaline from the previous night's performance, I was wanting to do something energetic.
I tidied the house up a bit, did some typing of work I'm seriously behind in, went for walkies to different shops, returning with birthday presents for someone.
But the musical was at the forefront of my mind for the most part of the day. When we arrived at school, everyone was very LOUD. Spirits were high but we were met with a somewhat meagre audience. Tomorrow night is fully booked, which leaves tonight quite pathetic in comparison. Therefore we got little feedback from the audience to spur us on. We troopered on however and it turned into a brilliant show with little mistakes.
Certainly no errors were made that the audience would notice.
I am excited about tomorrow night, which I'm sure will be a riot.
I'm still wide awake and full of energy, the adrennaline is still pumping it's way through my veins, so it'll be a late night and early rise. As tomorrow will be a busy day!


On another note, I was nervous this evening when walking home in the pitch dark, I came across my brother and girlfriend waiting for a late night bus for her to get home. After finishing a quick conversation with them, two notorious teenage psychopaths approached, looking rather threatening. I certainly wasn't up to taking them on, as they are complete nutters and appeared in the realms of stoned-ness.
So I trotted home having left a message on the answerphone and banged on my mother's bedroom door. She was evidently half way through some pungently depraved act with my scumbag of a stepdad as there was no response for a long time. I didn't give in however and a reluctant, muffled and snappy 'what' eminated from beyond. I filled them in and demanded that one of them drives the car down and picks him up before he got seven bells knocked out of him. Would stepdad budge an inch? Would he hell. Selfish bastard only had one disgusting thing on his brainless mind. My mother pleaded with him and he eventually shuffled an inch, snapping at me to 'piss off while he got some clothes on' Nice.
Turned out it was a false alarm, the lads had gone away but i thought it best to be safe. my mum understood that and my brother was grateful.
Stepdad however is now in a huff which will probably last for a few days. Which really makes no difference to his retarded personality. God I hate that man.


Anonymous said...

dats vvv bad! poor jakaby cld hav bn kidnapped by shifty looking minors!

im glad i dont hav a step dad..... i wld take da total piss =D

guess wot! i go on holz 2moro! :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D



Anonymous said...

waw..what a hero u are, u'll make a great dad one day, a strange one too HAHAHHA..hehe :D

Wallo said...

abz: not always that easy chickadee! xxxx

Chaz: *shrug* thanks I guess! x