Thursday, March 30, 2006

Day Four

Day Four involved a very slow day indeed. As in, I wasn't required to go into school until 6pm. This thought cheered me up but, upon waking early as usual, still full of adrenaline from the previous night's performance, I was wanting to do something energetic.
I tidied the house up a bit, did some typing of work I'm seriously behind in, went for walkies to different shops, returning with birthday presents for someone.
But the musical was at the forefront of my mind for the most part of the day. When we arrived at school, everyone was very LOUD. Spirits were high but we were met with a somewhat meagre audience. Tomorrow night is fully booked, which leaves tonight quite pathetic in comparison. Therefore we got little feedback from the audience to spur us on. We troopered on however and it turned into a brilliant show with little mistakes.
Certainly no errors were made that the audience would notice.
I am excited about tomorrow night, which I'm sure will be a riot.
I'm still wide awake and full of energy, the adrennaline is still pumping it's way through my veins, so it'll be a late night and early rise. As tomorrow will be a busy day!


On another note, I was nervous this evening when walking home in the pitch dark, I came across my brother and girlfriend waiting for a late night bus for her to get home. After finishing a quick conversation with them, two notorious teenage psychopaths approached, looking rather threatening. I certainly wasn't up to taking them on, as they are complete nutters and appeared in the realms of stoned-ness.
So I trotted home having left a message on the answerphone and banged on my mother's bedroom door. She was evidently half way through some pungently depraved act with my scumbag of a stepdad as there was no response for a long time. I didn't give in however and a reluctant, muffled and snappy 'what' eminated from beyond. I filled them in and demanded that one of them drives the car down and picks him up before he got seven bells knocked out of him. Would stepdad budge an inch? Would he hell. Selfish bastard only had one disgusting thing on his brainless mind. My mother pleaded with him and he eventually shuffled an inch, snapping at me to 'piss off while he got some clothes on' Nice.
Turned out it was a false alarm, the lads had gone away but i thought it best to be safe. my mum understood that and my brother was grateful.
Stepdad however is now in a huff which will probably last for a few days. Which really makes no difference to his retarded personality. God I hate that man.

Day Three

...and the first performance.
I got the morning off to chill, though this was hard to do considering the fact i knew so much still had to be done. As a natural early riser, these extra hours of chilling meant to me extra hours of standing around and worrying.
Arriving at the school a mere half an hour before the first performance, I realised that an accessory for a costume I was wearing...was more ways than one. It is a lady's belt (don't ask) and when I clip it on, the excess belt that remains tends to flop down into a rather inappropriate place in a resemblance that would perhaps cause a titter or two. Two minutes before I was on stage, I was desperately hacking off the belt I did not need to avoid this happening.
The first performance was for tweedmouth chav school, so this, in effect, was just a rehearsal for a difficult audience. We missed a few cues but we managed to cover up for eachother. SOmeone spilled a prop over the stage (water resembling a potion) and then had to collapse over the same place, effectively soaking his groin area. And the make up girls had put FAR too much deep red lip gloss on the female lead...hence my kiss with her lead to a bit of a smear on my face.
It went quite well, actually. Not well enough to give us confidence for the next perfromance, but well enough that we weren't kicking ourselves.
The evening performance started off well. The first musical number is fast paced with a lot of cues to fit in around the music. So the instrumental is vital for us to say our lines. Just 20 seconds into the routine, the musical director manages to knock her keyboard 'off' switch. This, as the rest of the band were meant to follow her, led to chaos...then silence. We kept going on stage, but there was not much we could do lines wise so just had to continue dashing about doing spaceship things. Turning her keyboard back on, the musical director went to hit the volume dial...only to use the wrong one and make it sound awful. This put her into a panic and this convinced us that she started mindlessly hitting keys afterwards just to make some sounds. It was a disaster...but I don't think the audience noticed however. It was a marvel. The musical director was obviously having a bad night. There was barely one song she didn't muck up. At one point, she was so engrossed in the action of the play that she missed her cue. WHile we all stared at her waiting for the music to start, it took her a further few seconds to change her dreamy expression to a d'oh expression and start playing.
Remarkably, the audience adored it. We got heaps of cheers, applause and laughs and awwws came in the right places.
By the end of it though, we were all in more states of nerves than when it began!

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Day Two

Today turned out to be more of a shambles than it's predecessor.
Not a single thing went right today, it felt as though the events had been taken straight out of a Laurel and hardy picture.
Firstly, we needed to edit the film of the headteacher narrating the storyline. the one computer in the school which is registered with the software capable of doing this was in a classroom which happened to be occupied by workshops all day. No access there. So we needed to find a member of staff with it on their laptop. So we went to reception to locate this certain teacher...but the receptionists are on strike.
Leaving that idea for another time, we decided to film another piece required between two characters during a musical number. only one of these people was off sick.
So that put paid to that idea. i then ended up babysitting for an hour, looking over a teacher's child while she was busy. Busy fiddling with the lights which are still not ready.
We then finally got round to making these monster tentacles, and that took up a huge amount of time. They also take up far too much space backstage and the choreography looks diabolical
When we eventually got round to rehearsing...Act Two is still a shambles. The music director and the band keep stopping and mucking up and the brass keep coming in at the wrong times
Frustrations were definitely at a height. Let'shope Day three and Performances One and Two bring this musical's first (and much needed) pieces of good fortune

Monday, March 27, 2006

Day One

The week of the musical...and not a full day rehearsal. Starting to get just a slightly bit worried at this stage. We currently have no monster tentacles which are meant to play a major part in the story and the microphones only came know the ones TV presenters attach to their blouses?
Well we have four to share between..more than four principals. We are yet to work out how these exchanges will be smooth and unnoticeable to the audience. To top that, some songs aren't yet going right, three people were not in school today that are principals and the lighting is all from finished.
Today, our rehearsal lasted three hours and we barely managed to reach the end of Act One.
This leaves us with officially a single day to perfect the entire show.
And on this single day do we have the full day for rehearsal.
Do we hell as like!

Sunday, March 26, 2006

Oh the Power!

I don't get it. Why are some men (and women) such utter control freaks? I refer specifically to my stepdad, but am fully aware that similar items of scum exist in abundance across the globe.
I cannot understand the personality of this type of human, no matter what angle I look at it . What kind of depraved individual would get kicks from inflicting misery upon the person they supposedly love? Does ordering your partner around like they are a badly looked after dog really induce such a pleasant feeling?
The incident last night, was, as ever, a small one. But, with someone like my stepdad involved, it soon snowballed into the realm of chaos.
My stepdad had taken my mother out to the pub and a good time was had. However, my mum had to comfort a sobbing friend who had had a drink fuelled argument with her husband (hmm sounds familiar)
Mr Stepdad pokes his head through the door. He has decided it is time to go. my mother replies that she will be five minutes. Dangerous tone adopted. "No we are going now"
My mother again says she needs to finish her drink and make sure friend is okay.
Stepdad leaves, only to turn around and sneer "Big mistake"
My mother arrived home not ten minutes after him. But big baby hadn't got his way.
Cue copious amounts of swearing, threats to leave (yeah, like that'd be a bad thing) and, the next day, he also decided to cancel the mother's day meal my mother had been looking forward to.
As it happens, the meal went ahead, and would've done anyway as I would've taken her out, but this guy is so clearly and unstabely (real word??) insecure that he must weild control over every situation.
This was a minor event, but once again highlighted my sincere dislike for this ample nosed weasel
Bah, if i haven't hit him by the time I leave home, it will be a wonder!

Saturday, March 25, 2006

Mothers Day

Is it just me or does this day seem to come round more often than the space of a year?
There's a limited amount of cliche things to buy for a mother before you have to put real thought into it. The whole flowers/plant thing has never done the trick for me, purely because I wouldn't be able to sneak it past mother dearest without killing it or letting it dry out.
In the past, I have used taken heed of the mother's advice that the card is the most important thing and penned a poem to go with it.
But, this time, she happens to know I was paid two days ago, so I have little excuse if I don't supply some form of goods.
So, to pair with the predictable gifts of candles and a vase, I'm taking her out for a meal.

But, my stance on Mother's Day is similar to the stance I have on Valentine's Day.
A commercially based waste of time!

Thursday, March 23, 2006 feet!

I'm starting to feel the strain of the hectic workloads I seem to be enduring lately. paired with regular bouts of feeling below average, days of being on my feet 9-9 aren't good!
Today is a prime example. I walked to school at half past 8, performed a music hit from the school show in an assembly at 9. I then had rehearsals non stop between 9 and 5. And, as if I wasn't tired enough, I had to walk straight to work so as not to be late and spend 3 hours dashing about like a maniac. Surely, by the time the end of the shift came, it was time to sit down.
Well you would have thought so but my mother had given me a massive shopping list so a detour to a supermarket was scheduled. I got home at half past 9 and I literally had to stop a conversation so I could go and sit down as my feet were killing me. I now have to write a website column that is due.
No rest for the wicked

PS No hope of an early night either. Green wing doesn't finish until an absurd hour like 1.30 am. :(

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Theatre trip take seventeen thousand or something

Today i embarked on yet another trip to see a performance, this time journeying to Sunderland to watch one half of geoffrey Chaucer's Canterbury tales and, I must be honest, the idea hadn't filled me with excitement.
On the contrary, I was positively dreading three slow hours worth of a trek through olde english that I could barely understand.
However, i found myself pleasantly surprised. the language had been altered so that it was still olde english but was easier to understand. The acting was superb and there were some genuinely hilarious moments in it.
I found myself laughing regularly, and, whilst three hours was still a tad too long for my liking, it wasn't an unpleasant way to pass the time.
It just goes to show I shouldn't judge things on my gut feeling!

Tuesday, March 21, 2006


Two more work shifts (with two days off in bwtween)to go then a week's holiday, two more school days (with two days off in between too!) to go before a week off!


Monday, March 20, 2006

What goes on in their minds?

I speak of the brainless idiots that occupy the vast majority of the population in the town where I live.
Never have I met such a unique rabble of people in one town, I could almost define them as their own race. While i'm sure the personality of these...people is common elsewhere, the language and dialect in this town is certainly one of a kind.
Imagine a hamster who has just been swallowed by a dog and is clawing it's way up it's windpipe. As the dog vomits it out it also stands in a bear trap. the resulting sounds of this melee vaguely resemble the dialect of my local town.
These people, who are called chavs here and other places also manage to derive humour out of single words, which baffles me. Clearly they think they behold some superiority from the ability to get their tongue round the amazing instance of vocalbulary that is the f-word. And their most comical insult, the core of their unbeaten wit lies in the continuing accusation of being gay.
hell, if they were right, then we'd have no human race left. Why they think homosexuality is so shameful is beyond me but the homophobes are clearly uncomfortable with difference.
Thus, everyone who doesn't swear mindlessly, cause violence and drink themselves mortal every weekend must therefore be attracted to members of the same sex. it stands to reason, doesn't it?
Well, this evening, a group of these individuals invaded my place of work. It emerges that their lives are so belittled and boring that they must resort to walking round a DIY establishment for hours on end.
As they were causing significant amounts of mayhem, I approached...only to find one of them had clambered up on a pile of boxes stacked under a display. I stood quite bewildered by this behaviour for a while before daring to enquire exactly why he was under there.
I quote: "I'm playing hide and seek you F**king gaylord"
Cue copious amounts of self appreciative laughter followed by hoots of adoration from his clique.
Asking them to leave as they clearly weren't in for shopping purposes, I got the well structured response of : F**k off. Which REALLY surprised me.
So off they went, each of them darting in a different direction, making my already tedious late shift just that little bit more irritating. Rounding them up, I eventually managed to oust them from the store. Later, while I was clearing the foyer of displays for closing, they returned, to deliver more abuse.
One delivered the devastating line that she was never going to f**king shop there again.
What made me smile was the fact she thought this would actually make me sad when it did quite the opposite.
Just what a chav would want to purchase from a DIY shop (apart from the restricted goods which would cause physical offence to the mortal enemy of the chav...which is everyone) is beyond me.

I believe a documentary is in order. Get David Attenburgh on board...I for one would love to know what is in their heads. to be so simple would be bliss, I'm sure.

Sunday, March 19, 2006

The perils of matchmaking!

Sit in a circle, children. It's story time.

I am going to relate a sordid tale that took place last year for two main reasons. As it was precisely one year ago and also because I nearly placed the foundations for it all to happen all over again just last week.

Playing cupid is never a smart or wise thing to do, no matter how well suited a couple seem. I am speaking from personal experience, and this self-reminder stopped me from sewing the seeds of romance between my best friend and a girl he knows last week. They have a fabulous chemistry and are majorly alike and I genuinely think they DO fancy eachother.
BUT, due to events from last year, I am staying well out of it this time round.

My friend, who I shall call D for the purpose of this story and myself, had a close knit group of friends this time last year. Well that's a lie, we were members of two friendship groups. The particular one I am referring to is the one which contained three females, P, S and L.
(Yeah this letter thing is gonna get confusing isn't it? We shall try)

Well, long before L came along, we were good friends with S and P and, I personally got closer than I initially expected to to P. She was wacky, funny, clever and unique and it was her distinctiveness which sparked an attraction. However, as the story went, things were not to be, and I certainly am thankful now that nothing went further.
When L came along, I ended up preoccupied with her and I ended up falling for her harder than I ever have with anyone. D (my inital best friend...the male one...keep up!) however, began to like P but claims to this day he never wanted to do anything about it as he presumed that me and P were an item. Well, I extracted his feelings out of him and he confessed he felt strongly for her.

SO myself and a teacher at the school who was a good friend of ours, conspired to get them together. Both of them had now admitted strong feelings and both knew the other felt the same. So both knew exactly what was going on when we sat them down together. However, shyness prevented either of them from making a move, so myself and teacher forced it out of them...I blocked the door from the other side and the teahcer threatened detention if D didn't ask P out.
So it was thus...I was seeing L and D was seeing P.
Myself and L atr this time were very rosey and very close.
But where did that leave S? Not one to fade into the background or be quiet, S started to stir trouble upon hearing that we had ventured out on a double date (this date involved myself and L desperately trying to get the bashful D and P to talk to eachother...a task they refused to undertake!)
Feeling a tad jealous, S leapt into action when a hole appeared in D and P's relationship and claimed that she and D were now seeing eachother. D and P overcame this, as did our friendship with S...but it wouldn't last much longer. P and S began bitching (as girls do) about D and things spiralled rather out of control. P emerged as the psycho she truly is, and to cut a long and confusing spiel short, she began using D for her own twisted amusement. I probably should have been aware of her loopy tendencies when she began following me round school and to work (she would stay for my full shift!) before everything with D.
Well, myself and L were as strong as could be...but boredom of tormenting D to the brink of a nervous breakdown began to niggle P and she moved onto her next victim. I had a go at P for what she did to D and P exploited this and exaggerated things out of proportion to drive a mjor rift between myself and L. As neither of us knew at the time that P was going between us and planting poison, we were never sure exactly what went wrong, hence why it was difficult to sort things out. After numerous bickering matches and subsequent heart to hearts, L called things a day with me. Unsure as of why, I asked her to meet me. However, P got wind of this, and, as I joined L for a talk, P waltzes up with S and interrupts, talking about things that really don't matter.
L only had a limited time and eventually had to depart. She did this without even looking at me. This was the last chance and P had put a stop to it.
I still was none the wiser at this stage but P wasn't quite finished yet.
She got S on board and persuaded her to start seeing me to rub L's nose out of joint.
At first, I was way too cut up over L to even notice S, but eventually, I thought it might be the only way to get over her.
However, after she mucked around with me in front of L and rubbed her up the wrong way...we had a nightmare double date which involved P and her new boyfriend.
This turned out to be a dreadful afternoon and also the last time I spoke properly to P and S, aside from the odd snippets of conversation since with S (this was the result of a revenge plot myself and D constructed but never had the heart to carry out) and a single conversation with P at Christmas.

It was just after my split with the short lived romance (if it could be described in such flowery terms) with S that I pieced together what P had actually done between myself and L. She admitted via email that she had deliberately set out and eventually succeeded in breaking us up, a fact both myself and L are now fully aware.
By this time, too much had happened and it was too late to salvage anything.

But, remembering these few months of chaos and torment has brought me to my senses. If anything I should be dragging D away from romances, not pushing him into them!
I'm not sure I'm quite ready yet to deal with another psycho!

Saturday, March 18, 2006

Best Of Both Worlds...?

And so the result of the much anticipated decision over who exactly will play the heroine in the upcoming musical in which I am involved.
Would it be the softly spoken, badly acted, somewhat unattractive Miranda, or the young, tender thirteen Miranda to whcih I would profess my love and kiss on stage?
The answer is...both.
They are to share the role. The first and original will play the part on the Tuesday, Thursday and friday, whereas Ms 'just past preteen' will do it on the Wednesday.
Hmm...all right! Also on the perfromance front, I am terrified at the speed tickets are selling, meaning there will be significant crowds each day.
I have been relentlessly learning lines and practising, only to be struck down, once more, with a particularly bad bout of illness, which will leave me out of action for a fair while yet.
I guess, that one week before, this is the typical theatre rush of panic. But i don't like this aspect of acting, funnily enough.
Fingers'll be all right on the night!?

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Could someone please tell me...

...when did saying 'excuse me' become rude?
Compared to the other variants of 'get out of my way' and 'shift it', this phrase seems polite to me, and I was always under the impression that this view was shared by the majority of society's population.
However, somewhere along the line, for the person I said it to today, it became offensive. Upon casting my mind back, I can safely say that no intonation or body language could cause confusion as to the context I used it in, I merely wanted to get past a pair of dawdlers.
There I was, having pur-chased some shopping from the supermarket, and making the small treck home. I am quite a fast walker so it is a natural occurence that I walk past people who are walking at a slower speed than me. Well today, I encountered a lady and what I presume (and hope) was her grandson. Little toddler was clutching his granny's hand and standing as far away from her as possible but so that he was still able to maintain this physical contact. This queer position caused the path to be blocked, and I was unable to get past. I stood behind for a good while, waiting for a loophole in this cunning display, but none came.
So, I did what any person would naturally do in this situation. The lady (and I use this definition in it's broadest terms) didn't know I was there, so I alerted her attention, with a polite 'excuse me'
As she stepped to the side, I thanked her, smiled and walked past.
However, as I did so, I heard an audible tut and an exclamation of: 'well there's no need to be so ignorant'
I could understand this if my tone was frustrated, or I offered no acknowledgement of thanks or a smile, but this setup was as polite as could be and still, wanting to get home before dusk fell classes me as ignorant.
Now, I'm sorry, but with hooligans, chavs and thugs littering the streets more than ever, I would be grateful to receive an excuse me, a word of thanks and a smile.
All I normally receive is a shove.
So i'm sorry if I'm ignorant, but I could have been a hell of a lot worse!

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Thank you

Just a quick message to thank people for the support I've received in the past week.
One person in particular, who has helped me a great deal, and who knows who she is. You have been a great rock.
Thanks for all the emails, messages, phone calls and personal conversations that people have conducted with me in support.
You are all valuable to me

Monday, March 13, 2006

Just thought you'd like to know...

9534 words in this new blog thus far...

Self Discipline (Or lack of...)

Being off school, I thought it necessary to at least do SOMETHING productive today, and with the musical two weeks away, the decision of what this something could be was not a difficult one to make.
So I decided to put my nose into my script and learn lines like never before!
So, I set about searching for my script. However, while I was doing so, I struck up a conversation with my mother. Without really noticing I ended up sitting down and this natter lasted over an hour. Telling her I needed to learn lines, I got off my jacksie once again and headed upstairs. I found my script lying beside the computer. Unfortunately, the computer happened to be on, so I decided to check my email. One of these messages contained a request that I look for something a friend left at my house on their last visit. I went downstairs and located this item. I then happened upon the smell of food and thought I'd have some lunch before getting down to work.
I ate my lunch then impulsively went for a bath as well as my muslces were hurting and I still felt generally shoddy. When the bath had become suitably cold, I vacated it then tried to remember what I'd been doing.
Aha, yes learning lines!
I returned to my room and noticed, not for the first time that it was in a bit of a tip. So I set about tidying it up. Once this was done, I ended up plopped in front of my computer again and browsing. I scolded myself and ordered myself to do some damn learning, only to remember that I hadn't updated this thing today.
My NEXT step surely must be the script.
I got up at 9am planning to learn lines for the day. It is now half past 2 and I haven't even opened the damned script!

Sunday, March 12, 2006

Let It Snow!

It came down in it's full force today! Masses and masses of gorgeous, white snow! The space was thick of falling fluffy goodness and there is a nice serene wintry view outside.
Aww I love snow!
And more to come I hear? Let's hope!


...After much deliberation and examination of the possible contenders, I have officially decided that today has been my worst day so far this year.
While I thought I had my 'problem' with stress and the turns I have in relation under control, I found out that today, I was unable to mask over the intense, horrific feeling that I couldn't possibly explain. Only people who have felt it before will know and sympathise with the dank, emptiness that one of these 'spells' creates within oneself. Well, since I started managing to control this hoo-hah, I have avoided making my associated temperments obvious to people in close proximity.
Until today. I have been so disheartened to have had to go through today and now, sitting at hope, I feel disappointed and embarassed that others have seen that I can be such a totally, miserable bastard.
The day was doomed to failure from the start. Having worked tirelessly two days in a row without sleep, I was ready to crash out on Saturday night, only for partying noises from a local pub to keep me awake until the early hours. So I woke up feeling quite crabby, but this didn't set alarm bells ringing. It's normal to feel ratty when you're tired and I presumed that this was all that it was at this stage. However, my complete inability to smile and my deep loathing of most people I met, even people I know and love dearly, finally made me click that this wasn't going away.
Perhaps it wasn;'t as bad as I thought, but certainly the psychological realisation that I was having a 'phase' just made me give in to it right away and made it seem possibly worse than it was.
And so, the influx of customers began. Working in customer service (the word service being a cunning representation of complaints), it is all too natural to get the saddest, most irritating and frustrating people in the world coming up to you and I was not one for patience today. So I decided to escape the merciless torrent of twats by putting a colleague who needed 'desk for helping morons' training behind and going to put out stock. However, while I was smack bang in the middle of carrying this procedure out, along comes Ms Bossy Boots, telling me in no uncertain terms that SOMEONE has to do stock. So she tries to take the person away to do her precious stock so I intervene and say I'll do the stock if he stays there and trains.
Because she hadn't heard that he was to be trained, she is determined that this wasn't meant to happen and attempted to put a spanner in the works. I put the case forward and assured her that he IS to get trained so she ordered me onto stock as if I was planning on standing round like an imbecele. I told her that I had already SAID I was going on stock and felt my temper fraying at a speedy verocity. Upon once again implying that I intended to stand around doing nothing, I then lost my temper with her and we had a somewhat loud and vicious sparring match in which neither of us decided to back down.
I went away to do stock, in full foul temper, and was nasty to a fair few people, which I feel totally awful about. My head still feels mucked up, but that is not an excuse to be as off as I was. I should have maintained my previous abilities to control myself. returning from a short lunch break which involved me going home and releasing pent up aggression in the form of shouting, tearing, screaming and tears, I thought I had everything out of my system. As the person in training is not yet allowed to man the wanker service desk on his own, I covered the lunch of the other person working there. As soon as she returned, I started to finish off doing the paperwork and was about to set off on stock when, just in beautiful timing, Ms Bossy Boots comes round the corner and tells me to 'get on stock' I angrily tell her that that is already where Im going but she refuses to believe this, despite the assurances from my colleagues that I am not actually a liar. Next thing I know, she has told on me to the manager who comes round to tell me that my colleague needs training and it would help if I were to be on stock, in a most patronising manner!
Seething, I decided it would not be wise to mouth off at the manager, so I avoided eye contact and nodded in agreement. He kept persisitng, almost as if daring me to take the bait, but by this time, I was reminding myself that I could go home in an hour and avoid all human contact to get this...thing out of my system. The day ended, rather slowly, with everyone pestering me, demanding to know what was wrong, and insisting that they wouldn't tell anyone, as if that would make me divulge personal information (he says, typing it on a website for all to see. At least there is some form of anonymity(sp?) here and I release this pent up frustration...I am perfectly aware that this elongated post is a load of mindless babble but it helps, okay?)
I was relieved to return to an empty household and I do feel a lot better now. However, something still weighs in me and Im terrified that I'm going to go back to this time last year, emotions wise.
Having felt that I had seen and experienced the back of these emotions, today was a horrific reminder of just how much of a wreck I can find myself in. I am not going to be doing school or work for the vast majority of this week, instead commiting myself to a hermit like lifestyle, just to ensure that I get all this crap out of my system and don't make an arse of myself once again.

Again, apologies for this post and, even though none will likely read this, I hope the people I "crossed" today know that I'm sorry also.

Saturday, March 11, 2006


Today was rather poignantly sad for me as it was a close colleagues last day at work. When I started in my job just over a year ago, she was the first person I struck up a friendship with and somehow, we got on like a house on fire really quickly and became really close friends. She was what made work shifts bearable and we have had many a laugh together in and out of work. Basically, I could call her the sole reason I didn't leave the job when I seriously considered doing so a few months back.
However, due to a complicated ho-ding with the powers that be, she was unable to stay on without comprimise and, for me anyway, there will certainly be a big gaping hole from now on.
Rather annoyingly, today also happened to be painfully busy so I hardly managed to speak two words to her. In actual fact, my goodbye from work was rushed and short, as I finished my shift an hour earlier than she was due to.
When I realised that I'd left something at work and returned to collect it, I decided to wait and say my goodbyes properly. Even though I shall see her on a regular basis, it still didn't stop the moment from almost descending into teariness!

The worm turns!

Today, a friend told me of quite an amusing story, which I will attempt to relate here in the same quality of humour as it was originally presented to me.
It is certainly down to tastes in humour. Some people will think it was pretty irresponsible and unfunny...but it certainly made me cackle.
Basically...two people I know were mucking about and, as you do when you're bored, they picked up the phone, looked up victims situated in Liverpool and made a series of amusing phone calls.
One household they contacted, they made a series of muffled, choking noises, instead of offering standard constructed vocabulary. This prompted a somewhat unexpected response. The lady on the other line presumed it was her mother and proceeded to tell the lads that help was on it's way and that they aren't to worry.
She had an automatic dialling button to send help to her mother's home and the lads heard this pressed. Suddenly, their joke wasn't so funny and emergency services were heading to a frail old lady who was okay really, while her daughter was panicking.
Carrying on their responsible stance to the situation, they promptly hung up.
However, a last minute stab of conscience found them re-contacting the number and coming clean. Full of apologies, they managed to rectify the trouble they had caused.
Whether or not the emergency services DID pay a visit to the mother, I don't quite know. But this story did manage to make me snigger...even if it just was at the expense of two immature oafs

Thursday, March 09, 2006

Green Wing-nearly Ready

For over a year since it last graced our television screens, my friend and I have been anticipating and trawling the internet for commission dates of Green Wing Series 2.
Well, the adverts are in full swing, claiming that this hilarious comedy is nearly ready and I can't wait!
For those who are fans of wacky, surrealist comedy then this is definitely the master of it. Mark Heap and Michelle Gomez are particular comic geniuses of it.
I don't watch much television but this is one thing I will not be missing!!

Political Correctness gone Baa-baa

I, like many others last week, was astonished and bewildered to read the story of an overly politically correct nursery.
For those who don't know what I'm referring to, the brief overview is thus: A nursery has recently enforced a rule, claiming that the rhyme 'Baa Baa Black Sheep' should be changed to 'Baa Baa Rainbow Sheep'
Parents were outraged and confused to find out that their children were being taught this but the headteacher defended his decision saying that children have to be taught that minority groups shouldn't be highlighted.
Well, I can't think of more of a minority than a rainbow sheep...
What are parents meant to say to their kids!
Child: (pointing to black sheep) Mummy, mummy, whats that!?
Mother: Oh, that's a rainbow sheep son.

So, judging by this headteachers morals, are we now to refer to balck people as rainbow people? What kind of lesson is this to children.
Bloody mad I tell you!!!

Sunday, March 05, 2006


My mother has been battling through numerous catalogues and internet websites in a quest to get us a spring holiday abroad and her efforts finally produced results yesterday.
In 12 weeks, during a week in May, I shall be jetting off to Turkey, the land of bird flu.
I'm not one to get excitable about holidays however, but I am calmly looking forward to a nice break where nothing will disturb us.
That's if I can get it off work that is...

Saturday, March 04, 2006

A matrimonial day out

I have had the strangest invite out I have had in a while today. A good friend of mine who last night became engaged to her partner of 14 years has asked me to accompany her on her search for a wedding dress.
this is a task associated generally with female acquaintances so I was slightly surprised to be asked. She feels however that i would be honest so, in order to keep this bargain, I hope she doesn't try on any particularly hideous frocks!
I'm not quite sure my field of expertise stretches as far as wedding dresses but i suppose I shall give it a try!

Friday, March 03, 2006

Winter Wonderland

It came today! Albeit slightly delayed, the snow fell in all of it's glory throughout the entire day in thick masses of white goodness!
I persoanlly was caught in three glorious spells of heavy snow today and was relieved having begun to believe that my town had once again missed out on the fabulous arctic weather.
Rather sadly, however, the snow, despite coming in copious amounts, has failed to even glaze the pavements with whiteness, instead choosing to melt into oblivion.
However, even though it's not lying and creating a fixture for itself over the next few days, it's still snowing!
And so long as that blasted sun continues to stay hidden behind the fat, black clouds then I'm happy!

Thursday, March 02, 2006

The Result!

For my AS Theatre Studies Devised Piece:

Preparation: 20/25
Portfolio: 21/25
Performance: 38/50



Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Places everyone!

Today was the day I was assessed for my theare studies course on the basis of my acting abilities. We were to perform a 20-25 minute piece of drama from scratch and our months of effort and preparation culminated in a rather good show.
Overcoming practically every problem and setback possible, we pulled the play together and delivered acting at the top end of our abilities and I must say that it is quite a relief that it is all over.
Paired with a portfolio of work, the piece is worth 40% of my entire AS grade so it was quite important. And the after show buzz has topped any feeling of aftershowbuzzness (sorry my vocabulary and writing skills aren't up to much this evening) I have ever had.
I believe we have achieved an enormous amount from this piece of work and, in the end, after all of the stress it created, I am proud of it.
Good show old chum!