Sunday, April 16, 2006

Tis the season to be...overheated...

Jovial anticiaption is often something widely associated with the approach of summer. Out of the icy, dark clutches of a gloomy winter and heading towards sunnier, brighter days. How can you possibly complain?
Aside from the guarantee of a minimum of 6 weeks freedom from school, I, being the pessimist that I am, fail to see the appeal of summer.
In fact, quite the opposite. I can come up with a giant's handful of negative points.
Firstly, there's the heat. An overpowering, headache inducing ball of fire blazing down upon you is not what I would deem relaxing. Being soaked and consequently sticky with sweat and hardly being able to breath for the clamminess of the atmosphere is something I'm not too fond of. I've never been a fan of the heat, I just can't handle it.
Secondly, it makes you feel like a loser to use your computer. It seems to be a general law that everyone should like running onto the beach and getting sand in crevices you never knew you had but i for one am still just as content to use my computer when needs be. problem is in summer, you get the arguments of 'oh it's so nice outside' and therefore, can't even log on for five minutes without being called a killjoy!
Then there are the tourists! Living in a historical AND commercial area does not bode well if you want a quiet and speedy transaction for a loaf of bread or a much needed chilled drink. They are EVERYWHERE. Bumping into you withoout the courtesy of an apology and wearing ridiculous mismatched backwards caps, sunglesses, flowery or dragon covered shirts and shorts which leave bony, hairy, scabby legs to the full view of everyone, they are my least favourite summer species...
...except of course, WASPS! Those evil beings torment you at every twist and turn. Their mere prescence in the corner of a room is enough to drive me to the other end of the house. And, summer being the one season you really NEED ice cream and cold but fruity drinks, it is a tad irritating to have a wasp pestering you whenever you try to sample one of these delights.
Retail becomes busier and more hectic, something which doesn't do much for my job. Pair this with my least favourite type of customer (aside, obviously from the sad, moaning bastards that are quite frequent) and it isn;t a pleasurable result. The customer type I speak of is the nippy purchaser of plants. My heart plummets majorly when I see a customer approach with a trolley full of plants. Bagging them is a nightmare. if you so much as touch a leaf they are in uproar that you may have killed it!
Not only that, there are kids plaguing the neighbourhood, making noise and causing ample amounts of mayhem. Back to shop talk, theres a clique of them to throw out every five minutes!
And as a final comment...where's the SNOW in summer eh?
Roll on winter...again!


Anonymous said...

I must say I FULLY agree, everyone pressures u into going outside in summer, which means u cant go on msn,play Final Fantasy or just sit and do nothing! You must also attend family days out to places filled with people, why cant we have winter holidays rather than summer holidays, it would be sooo much better :D

Wallo said...

Or both would suffice! ;0)

Jennytc said...

I'm not sure where I found your blog but I have really enjoyed reading what I have read of it. Wasps don't bother me, my worst time is August/Sept time when huge spiders lurk in the house and I have to make sure my feet are tucked up on the sofa during the evening - just in case!

Wallo said...

I believe I commented on yours recently!
Ditto with your blog!

Spiders I can live with, they don't assault me!
Wasps are just...evil!