Thursday, April 20, 2006

I HATE Thursdays!

I don't know what it is about them...but nothing ever seems to go right on a Thursday and I end down in the dumps. Barely half an hour past noon, and already that familiar feeling has crept up on me.
So far this morning, I've received news of a good friend who has been rushed to hospital, I've lost my bank card, I've had to step in and comfort a friend who my brother has hurled abuse at and I feel sick, yet again.
I don't know if it's a psychological thing but, ever since I can remember, I have detested Thursdyas with a passion. It may have been only a selection of minor things each time that bothered me and it could also be because I've trained myself to hate Thursdays so I notice the annoying things more because I'm expecting them.
So, yes, today looks like it will be no exception.
I have some written work to get on with, no doubt that will stress me and I also have a very charming late shifyt at work...and I know there's going to be trouble there...
Roll on Friday!

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