Wednesday, April 12, 2006

The bastards are back!

The ugly, sinister looking, venemous, buzzing cretinous creatures I speak of are the wasps that occupy the environment and disrupt our lifestyles every summer.
I have just encountered the firts of these things, and I handled the situation in my typical macho-masculine style.
By leaping off my computer chair and taking a generous amount of paces back.
Reasonably, I couldn't sit at my computer, knowing that thing was barely a yard from my face!
Evasive action had to be taken, so I went on the offensive!
Picking up some form of plastic doo-dah, I tip-toed forward (wasps have acute senses you know!) and lashed out before leaping back, in anticipation of a violent reaction.
I had, of course, due to my nervous and somewhat wimp-ish composure, missed the target completely.
And Mr Wasp was not happy!
Buzzing around, searching for the source of it's recent discomfort, it was a wasp on a mission.There was very little I could do except wait patiently...and hope desperately...for it to stop.
It eventually did and I stepped forward for a second attempt. This time I hit the target. I noticed when I shakingly peeled the curtain back, that it wasn't quite dead. I felt it necessary to at least put the bugger out of it's pain, only for it to drop from the window and disappear under the computer table.
Even if it is reasonably out of action, cruel as it is, there is NO WAY that I am crawling under there to put it out of it's misery!


Pop round and pay a visit to gemmaks-ville, which is 2 years old today!

Happy Birthday!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I must say I agree absoloutly 100% fully with you, wasps are truly evil, they are the spawn of sin himself (itsel....whatever) they just sit there, waiting for u to make a wimpish attempt to scare them off, only for them to scare the living daylights out of you. I've been scared half to death once my bees and wasps, I dont wanna do it again, cause I'll be fully scared to least u dont get killer bees or mosquitos in Berwick...phew, I KNOW, maybe we can find an animal that eats waps and release mases of them into the world :D:D:D