Tuesday, April 11, 2006

An insight into the female brain...

All you philosophers and travellers on a quest to come up with the answer, don't get excited. I'm no wiser of the solution than any of you.
Emphasised during several situations lately, I must admit that I am as clueless as to what rushes through the mind of a female being as the rest of the male population (and possibly most of the female)
This ignorance can be, at times, very frustrating. Their flustered and often contradictory manners make discussion of a poignant kind slow moving and confusing.
So, I beg the question, anyone who has succeeded in marginally figuring out the psychology of a female, please wing your findings down this end.
Because I would LOVE to know!


Fletch said...

Three Words... "Validate Their Feelings" ...

U dont have to agree with there thoughts or feelings, or even begin to understand them, just accept the fact we're different and they have the right (as we all do), to feel the way they do :o)

Ciao Ciao

Fletch said...

Ohhh... as an after thought...

Don't always make them sleep in the 'Wet Patch'... that tends to piss them off after a while ;o)

Ciao Ciao

Fletch said...


RU2 young 4 that last Comment!!!

Ignore it, pretend i never said it... It wasn't me Guv honest, I wasnt here, never, not even in the country at the time, I'm just a figment of ur imagination...

U can't prove it cus ive just killed the Fire Wall and ISP records ;o)

Ciao Ciao

Wallo said...

haha...you come up with some babble.
Don't worry...I am wordly wise to these things!
I spend time in the company of gemmak after all!
Nothing shocks me these days...;o)

gemmak said...

Roflmaoooo...behave Fletch and Wallo...what do you mean??! hehe :o)