Friday, April 14, 2006

Easter Weekend

Let the chocolate gorging begin!

But, more importantly to some, I suppose it's also a time to remember when some superior being got hacked onto a wooden cross, died, sealed in a cave with a boulder, moved it and returned to prove how great he was.

I, personally, don'tfollow all the religious hoo-hah, I guess I found it hard to swallow since the first paragraph saying God created a planet and all of it's intricate details in a week, the same amount of time I struggle to get one piece of coursework done.

But enough of the blasphemy, I hope everyone has a very pleasant weekend, whatever you're doing!


Fletch said...

Wot!!! Like u don't believe some supreme being planted Dinosaur bones deep underground purely to test our faith? Tut Tut Tut ;o)

Have a gud easter dude, go buy urself another chocky egg, u know u wanna :o)

(And stop whinging about having to work... I'm remember when I was a Lad having to get up everyday, an hour before I went to bed and clean out sess pit with my tongue!! ;o) Kids today, don't know there born... ;o) LOL)

Take it easy...

Ciao Ciao

Wallo said...

Lol Less of the 'kid'!
Happy Easter to you too, whatever your stance on it may be!