Thursday, April 20, 2006

ABC Meme

I have been tagged by Gemmak, so must fulfill the requirements of the binding contract!

Accent – WELL, this is a long running debate between myself and a few people. I am of the firm belief that I have no particular accent, and if i am it is pretty weak. But others reckon I have a Scottish accent. A twang maybe but I find the accent classification a bit exaggerrated. Although friends from london do say it's quite strong...

Booze of choice – I like the odd tipple on occasion although don't have many major preferences. Depends on the mood!

Chore I hate – Washing dishes! yeuch! Especially other people's! People who have been eating a food I don't like! Gah! Nothing is more vile than having to scrub hardened food off of cutlery that has been in someone's mouth and in a plate of food.

Dog or Cat – Cat! I miss my Rory and Sukie!

Essential electronics – Computer, phone, memory stick. Everytime I misplace one of these I take a panic. Although it IS somewhat difficult to misplace a computer, I'll admit.

Favorite perfume - Don't do perfume but aftershaves at the moment are Deisel. My preference changes though, I'm an awkward bugger

Gold or Silver? I don't care, to be honest!

Hometown – Scotland! Not a town I know, but I could class myself as having three different hometowns. I was moved around a bit as a nipper

Insomnia? – Ummm no...

Job Title – I'm not sure what my job title is these days...general dogsbody i think would sum it up.

Kids? – 2 kids from a previous marriage....for those who don't know me on a personal level, no, not really.

Living Arrangement – With my mummy and brother and bastard face :)

Most-admired trait – I'm told it's my sense of humour. But I don't really have one!

Overnight Hospital Stays – Yes...but I don't want to go into that chapter!

Phobia – Fire is close to being a phobia though I'm not as nervous about it these days

Quote – "What's all the hubbub" I don't do philosophy okay!?

Religion – I don't do religion either.

Siblings – A younger brother. Aggrivating git he is too!

Time I wake up – I'm usually an early riser. 6,7, rarely later than 8 or 9

Unusual talent/skill – I can turn my eyelids inside out but I'd hardly call that a talent

Vegetable I refuse to eat – Celery.

Worst habit – Ummm...talking excessive amounts of crap! Blathering that's the word I'm looking for. i blather. or is it blether...both are acceptable I guess...See what I mean...? ;o)

X-rays – Oh predictable! COme up with a new X! I have had no X-rays, no

Yummy foods I make – I can make cakes and biscuits and scones and stuff! I also make a mean vegetable chilli...VERY spicy.

Zodiac sign – Sagittarius. this week, apparantely, I'm to find true love...AGAIN!


gemmak said...

So where's my biscuits and scones and stuff?! :o)

Wallo said...

Ill make you some if you want!
I have to pay you in SOME way for a new blog template as you'll probably wallop my head off if I try and give you money