Sunday, May 14, 2006

This is really boring but what the hey...

Yes, another meme...and a rather mundane one at that. I will regain my inventive streak someday soon, I promise!

  • First job: Working in a newsagents. Basically this involved standing at a till, reading comics/newspapers and eating anything I wanted!
  • First screen name: If you mean IM then it would be my email address...obviously.
  • First funeral: My aunt's funeral.
  • First pet: One of my many cats! Snowy...yeah original I know. I didn't name her!
  • First piercing: Don't have any piercings!
  • First tattoo: Same here
  • First credit card: is this question meant to be answered? :S
  • First kiss: With my first girlfriend when I was the tender wee age of twelve. it was a pretty crap kiss...on her part of course ;P
  • First enemy: ...and still my current enemy. A certain relative
  • Last car ride: I can't remember. I haven't been in a car for ages actually. i walk everywhere.
  • Last kiss: Ha, that would get me into A LOT of trouble with A LOT of people so I won't go there!
  • Last movie watched: ummm none for a long time but a friend has loaned me Charlie and the chocolate factory so I'm sure Ill get round to watching that
  • Last beverage drank: emm...a glass of wine
  • Last food consumed: my mummys vegetable chilli. My intestines feel like they're on fire...
  • Last phone call: I phoned my best friend
  • Last time showered: About ten minutes ago
  • Last CD played: Don't do CDs
  • Last website visited: ...Blogger
  • Single or taken: Taken
  • Gender: Male
  • Birthday: December 6th
  • Sign: Sagittarius
  • Siblings: one younger brother
  • Hair color: brown
  • Eye color: Greyish changes odd times
  • Shoe size: Dunno!
  • Height: Dunno!
  • Wearing: Out of shower comfort clothes!
  • Drinking: Nuffink!
  • Thinking about: A lot of things. But the primary thought at this moment of time are the answers to these intellectually demanding questions...
  • Listening to: Bugger all!
Oh and gemmak, you are so tagged!


gemmak said...

Yayyyyy :o) heh

Wallo said...

gemmak: still waiting :P