Tuesday, May 23, 2006


Gemmak has tagged me so here goes...

I am: still hoping for a solution
I want: everything to work out
I wish: that I wasn't so ill all of the time
I hate: Discrimination of any kind
I miss: Simplicity and the sensation of relaxation
I fear: Losing someone special
I hear: a noisy rabble of my brother's friends downstairs!
I wonder: what's going to happen next!
I regret: Not doing enough to stop certain things from happeneing.
I am not: likely to be an electrician
I dance: at gunpoint...badly
I sing in the shower:...NOT!
I cry: when crying helps. And sometimes when it doesn't
I am not always: on the ball!
I make with my hands: love, happiness and cake!
I write: so much that my hand is prone to cramp!
I confuse: the living daylights out of people with strange and erratic behaviour...and love it!
I need: Peace of mind. Even if only for a day
I should: Be revising right now
I start: things that I know I can't finish
I finish: only when I'm dead! Whenever that may be!

I'm TAGGING: Alice; Hursty and Abbi

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