Saturday, May 06, 2006

I have said...

...posted, thought, acted out, so many moans and so much doom and gloom lately!
I feel it necessary, in the wake of quite an uplifting day, to apologise and thank those who put up with me!


A case of chinese whispers has gone seriously wrong between a few people I know recently. Whether or not bits are added to allow the information giver to feel more important to the situation, or if they're added to make the gossip all the more juicier or even if it's just an accident, I don't quite know.
But when something happens and it gets back to someone after being filtered through the lives of several others, it will always be more exaggerrated than when it first kicked off.
Hence I'm left with a heinous amount of pieces to pick up after two people who have been left feeling betrayed and mortified by eachother.

I don't understand the process of talking negatively about people behind their backs. It always...without a shadow of a lingering doubt, ends up causing more hurt and aggrivation than if it was just said to the person's face.
There's no animal that loves a bit of intrigue more than us pathetic humans and many will latch onto any piece of bitching they can find.

The conclusion: Don't be two faced :)

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