Thursday, April 09, 2009

Remember Me...?

Well, in case you don't, just to catch up, my first new post will be a bit of a cheat. I can't remember where I found this meme, I got it with the good intention of posting it on the blog last year until life took over.
Anyway here it is. For those who've forgotten who I am, it might just remind you! And for those who haven't there might be something new on it. I say might as I haven't read through it properly yet so I'm just going to fill it out as I go!

1. My uncle once: Became the editor of Thailand's top selling newspaper.
2. Never in my life: Would I support any form of discrimination
3. When I was five: I ate some seeds off a tree...and was poisoned!.
4. High school was: A traumatic experience
5. I will never forget: The friends who helped me through a painful time
6. Once I met: The cast of Corrie. Exciting times...
7. There’s this girl I know: Who I am in love with, despite the fact she's a messy sodette!
8. Once, at a bar: I was chatted up by a girl who collapsed before she finished the sentence. Great for the ego...
9. By noon, I’m usually: Counting down the last half an hour til lunch!
10. Last night: I was mourning the end of Bad Girls after watching the last episodes. Not that I'm sad, you understand?
11. If only I had: My bloody bank card, which was eaten by a greedy bank machine yesterday!
.12. Next time I go to church: Will be for a christening where I am godfather
.13. What worries me most: How long have you got?
14. When I turn my head left I see:A very attractive magnolia wall
15. When I turn my head right I see: A messy room which I'm avoiding tidying for now!
16. You know I’m lying when: I don't do lies.
17. What I miss most about the Eighties is: I only enjoyed one year of the eighties and I can't say it was very memorable
18. If I were a character in Shakespeare I’d be: Benedick...utterly hopeless and naive!
19. By this time next year: I hope that everything is more settled
20. A better name for me would be: I don't know, never really thought about that
21. I have a hard time understanding: Brutality and lies
22. If I ever go back to school, I’ll: be getting paid
23. You know I like you if: I do things you like which I hate
24. If I ever won an award, the first person I would thank would be: The person handing me it, it's only polite after all!
25. Take my advice, never: Take anything for granted, because something round the corner is lying in wait to snatch it away
26. My ideal breakfast is: One that doesn't make me throw up!
27. A song I love but do not have is: Well modern technology allows any songs I like to be very easily obtainable. There are none I don't have
28. If you visit my hometown, I suggest you: check up on my mum and tell me if she's okay
29. Why won’t people: Understand one another better?
30. If you spend a night at my house: I charge £25 a night
31. I’d stop my wedding for: a bill that told me how much it had cost
32. The world could do without: Prejudice and liars
33. I’d rather lick the belly of a cockroach than: go bungee jumping
34. My favourite blonde(s) is/are: My partner
35. Paper clips are more useful than: Paperweights. Clip your papers together with a clip and they'll be too heavy to blow away anyway
36. If I do anything well it’s: because I'm in a good mood
37. I can’t help but: hate showbiz and the media
38. I usually cry: When I get down, often for no reason
39. My advice to my child/nephew/niece: Don't let anyone grind you down. You're better than anyone who tries
40. And by the way: I'll try my best to stick around the blogosphere this time!

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