Thursday, September 07, 2006

Well that taught me!

Ever the prankster, I can't let the girlfriend's birthday to pass without playing some form of joke on her. So I picked up any random item, which turned out to be a bottle of dettol cleaner and decided to wrap it up and hand it to her, in all seriousness, to see how she would react (wrapped of course!)

She is fairly renowned for her blonde moments so I am fairly sure that, had it gone ahead, she possibly wouldn't have thought I was joking and would have politely thanked me for my gift and pretended as best she could that she loved it. And therein lies my immature kick out of it.

As it happens however, I had stored the dettol in my bag and as I was walking, suddenly felt a worrying wet patch forming on my behind. Knowing that I hadn't felt the sensation of an uncontrollable bowel system, the next thought to spring to my mind was 'Dettol!'

Off comes the bag, my shirt and trousers are soaked and smelling oh so fresh and I pull out the bottle which is only half full and dripping out of a split at the bottom.
Well my worksheets are going to smell nice for a while and I have quite the bleachy bottom!
I guess I got my comeuppance for having a slightly cruel streak :(


gemmak said...

Heh..that'l teach ya! ;o)

Wallo said...

abbi: therefore you should have sympathy!! xxx

gemmak: i know :( xxx

Carpenter: I know what youre getting for christmas then!

Anonymous said...

Hi i wondered why it smelt of that!!lol jxx

Wallo said...

Jade: Sorry love...thought you might appreciate it though ;) xx