Tuesday, September 12, 2006


Imaginitive title for today's post (yawn!)

Had my doctor's appointment today, a day late, and accompanied by a good friend, who has been a constant support.
The guy didn't tell me much that I didn't already know, i.e that I have issues that need addressing. Wee yeah, that's why I'm here.
But hey, he was good, sympathetic and he listened and rather than a doctor/patient set up there was an adult/adult interaction which I am grateful for.

Well his diagnosis is 'quite an intense form of depression' which doesn't really surprise me but i've been referred to a psychologist for 'specialist help' which I'm not really relishing the thought of.

But I'll cross that bridge when I come to it!


gemmak said...

Well done you for taking the first step, it's a difficult step to take but it will be well worth it :o) *hugs*

Anonymous said...

Hope you still have your stress leaflet! And my pen!

Wallo said...

gemmak: I hope youre right xxx

Lillie: The tigger pen is somewhere...as for the stress leaflet I tore it up in an angry moment! Irony anyone!? xx

Carpenter: The first part of the comment...wtf are you on about!?
Cheers, thank you