Sunday, September 10, 2006

Looking up?

I'm quite relieved to say that after a turbulent few months where I've had more than I really care to think of thrown at me and found my emotions in tatters, I can finally say I remember the sensation of happiness or at least content-ness (real word?) at last.
Yes content would sum me up at the moment.

I feel I am back on track in many aspects of my life and I have some form of vision for my future and I don't wake up feeling dread for the oncoming struggles.
The past few months have had a long lasting effect on me and I'm still battling demons as a result.
But I've found myself feeling happy with my lot again, which is a drastic improvement.

Ironically, as soon as I manage to say these things, I manage to get my much needed doctors appointment which, I've avoided like the plague up til now.
I know I am far from beating the troubles I've been having and I know that while my latest spell has abated, it won't be the last I;ve seen of it. I won't be naive and say oh well it's passed, why bother.
So I WILL be going to the doctors tomorrow.

And I just need to take the opportunity to thank people who have been such a help through this, with two in particular, one who will probably be the first to read this and the other who has offered to go with me to the doctors tomorrow.
Both of you have been rocks, more than you know, and I thank you from the bottom of my heart, where you will always have a place.

You know who you are. xx

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