Monday, September 04, 2006

I must say I am moved and saddened by the news of Steve Irwin's sudden death.
The Australian wildlife fanatic often took risks and it looks like this one didn't pay off. As he approached a stingray, he was pierced by it's venemous sting and pronounced dead.
Sadly it seems as if his many critics who claimed he took too many risks have been proven right.
After watching (and enjoying) some of his programmes, it must be admitted that his death was just lying in wait, threatening to strike at any time, as it has. Many of his actions bordered on insane stunts and I guess his luck has run out, leaving behind a young family.

It is very sad news indeed as he was a chirpy personality. I hope he rests in peace.


Anonymous said...

yeah i know it is reallly sad what happened to steve :(

this is duncan right? i think u told me your friend uses it to but if it is duncan did u get the letter and card i sent u? You haven't been on msn so im asking u on here lol

Wallo said...

Amanda: yes got your card. Thank you

Carpenter: Pffft only as bad as the person who tells you!!