Thursday, April 19, 2007


Another day of unabating physical pain and I wonder when It will go latest abscence is due to not very good health and it really is a pain in the arse (theoretically) and a literal pain almost everywhere else.

Psssht...another hospital appointment within a few weeks and in the meantime I guess I should put up and shut up.
Easier said than done, but we have to stay positive don't we.

Hope everyone is well, and I aim for the hundreth time this year to resume blogging service asap.

I half promise ;P

Have a good weekend!


gemmak said...

Lol @ half promise. Get yourself sorted man.....hope you feel some improvement soon sweetie xxx

Wallo said...

Thank ya!
Getting there...xxxx
Hope things pick up in your wee world

And if you catch a spare mo in the summer Ill pop up for a visit and catch up xxx