Monday, May 14, 2007


The word hectic doesn't even begin to describe things of late.
In the time I've been away, things have been far from quiet, and to be fair, that's often how I like it.

I'm feeling a lot better than I was and am trying to bring things into some state of normality.
Fat chance, I'm still leaping all over the country to attend various hospital appointments and this reached a head right at the peak of my school year, when heckloads of coursework was due in.
Somehow, and unsurprisingly without the support of many school staff who's function and only function is to enjoy a little power craze (bless!), I scraped through this stressful period, made some damn good progress health wise and handed all work in on time, with higher grades than I expected.

Having been told my attitude to school was wrong, (having had the ordasity to be ill) and that I was going to fail if I didn't 'buck up my ideas'.
Well, excuse the impending immaturity, but razz, blah and two pointy fingers to you. You'd give better advice if you used your mouth for the speech function and not your arse.

I ended the week on stage playing a doddery old man (trousers up to the neck and braces to boot. Phwoar!) and the success of the show was a bloody good boost to the confidence.

So thank you to the people who did believe in me and did support me and you guys know who you are.

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