Monday, January 22, 2007

Would you bother?

A friend today has gone to audition for trash...sorry, popular show Big Brother, along with millions of hopefuls across the country.
No doubt he will have to contend with semi naked, babbling, violent, insane, sex obsessed, predatory bisexual, mindless freaks to get into the acclaimed building where cameras follow you as you abuse others, climb into as many beds as you can and go to the toilet.

While my friend merely is going for the experience, there will be many there, flowing embarassing desperation for fame. But why? The one person to last in the celebrity stakes from that house is only famous for being mindlessly thick and is that really a satisfactory way to mould a showbiz career? And even she has effectively destroyed it all over again by repeating the performance.

Surely there's better ways to earn riches than making a total twat of yourself on national television and coming out lacking any shred of dignity. Go on Who Wants To Be A millionaire or something and 8 questions or so in and you've exceeded the prize money for surviving 13 long weeks in that institution.

Wonder if he'll have any interesting stories to tell of the people he met today on his return.
Sadly for him, I don't think he's warped or derranged enough to secure a place in there.

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