Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Well I've been a blogger for a year now and, while currently out of steam due to tiredness, I have no doubt my blog will be celebrating it's second year on the web in the future.

But hey, at the moment, I have a bit of a 'blogger's block' and have no inspiration for any posts. Pffft so if it's inundated with the odd meme here and there, bear with me.

When I regain my energy I'll get this thing back on track!

Thursday, January 25, 2007

So someone IS on my side...

It was refreshing today to come across a member of authority who would listen and understand me when I spoke to them
The stand in school headteacher offered a non compulsory appointment to see him regarding my regular hospital appointments and the consequent effects on my school life and, much unlike the head of year who had practically condemned me from going to the hospital, he was extremely helpful and supportive.

We reached some solutions together, as equals and he listened and genuinely cared.
And, for the first time in 2 years I have confidence in that school.

Monday, January 22, 2007

Would you bother?

A friend today has gone to audition for trash...sorry, popular show Big Brother, along with millions of hopefuls across the country.
No doubt he will have to contend with semi naked, babbling, violent, insane, sex obsessed, predatory bisexual, mindless freaks to get into the acclaimed building where cameras follow you as you abuse others, climb into as many beds as you can and go to the toilet.

While my friend merely is going for the experience, there will be many there, flowing embarassing desperation for fame. But why? The one person to last in the celebrity stakes from that house is only famous for being mindlessly thick and is that really a satisfactory way to mould a showbiz career? And even she has effectively destroyed it all over again by repeating the performance.

Surely there's better ways to earn riches than making a total twat of yourself on national television and coming out lacking any shred of dignity. Go on Who Wants To Be A millionaire or something and 8 questions or so in and you've exceeded the prize money for surviving 13 long weeks in that institution.

Wonder if he'll have any interesting stories to tell of the people he met today on his return.
Sadly for him, I don't think he's warped or derranged enough to secure a place in there.

Thursday, January 11, 2007

Err...ouch actually

This week I've found myself somewhat unfortunately plagued with agonising chest and back pains which have stalled me from doing much except moaning like a little girl.

The ever so helpful GP told me at the peak of the pains just to wait until the weekend...ie put up with the pains for five additional days and if theyre still as bad go to the hospital.

Pfff...it's still as excruciating, but I hope that it's soon away.

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

New Year; New Hope

A new year works for many people in different ways. For some it is the start of a whole new adventure; they anticipate their coming year with relish and curiosity, eager for what awaits them. For others, it is a more bland affair; pfft what's another year, nothing changes.

I simply see it as an opportunity for a clean slate. I'm not going to wipe out the last year from my memory. I have learned a great deal from things that have happened both to myself and others around me. I have earned one or two close individuals to my heart, and I have had a laugh.
It would be all too easy to look back on the year in a negative stance. It could either be the year I've suffered worst and had to make recurring trips to the hospital. Or it could be the year I've come out fighting and made bold steps to defeat my demons. This is just one example but I know which way I'm looking at it as I come into the new year.

There were so many times over the last year where I sat and moped. Everything had gone to pot, nothing was working as it was, people were stressing me out, events were transpiring against me, I lost this friend, I felt bad about this, I couldn't face such and such...
But, if I'm to make any sort of headway then I have to think positively. SO while my miserable thoughts may not be unfounded, there is so much more to feel positive about.

And at the centre of this positive aura is you lot. My friends who have been there to talk to, turn to and let me feel that I have someone who cares.
I know I've been difficult to get on with last year and a bit of a pain but you're all still here and what more can I do than thank you and promise that whenever required, the favour will be returned.

So...to all of you and you all know who you are, you have had a great effect on me in the past year and further back and I thank you from the bottom of my heart.
God only knows where I would have been if it weren't for you all.

And a Happy New Year to all the readers of The Diary Of Mr Slug Take Two