Tuesday, August 01, 2006

When will it end?

So another weekend packed to the brim of sickness and feeling 'not too goodery'
A particularly harsh spell of queasiness struck and I found myself dashing like a maniac too and from the toilet to empty what appeared to be the vast contents of my stomach and possibly the rest of my body into the toilets at work in between serving unpleasant ladies and gentlemen of the public.
My painful spells of vomiting culminated in a short period of passing out, something I have not experienced for quite some time.
In the middle of a 46 hour week, it is not a pleasant prospect to be feeling ill to this degree and I hope it manages to hold itself off at least for the time being when I can give it more of my attention and focus.
Hey I have a weekend holiday coming up...perhaps it can ruin that?
I'll pen it in my diary.


Jennytc said...

Hope you are feeling better soon. It's horrible to have to be at work while you're feeling so ill.

gemmak said...

:o( Not nice at all...hope you feel better soon.....doctors yet?? xxx

Wallo said...

Thanks both :)
And no, you know what Im like.
I tend to avoid doctors at all costs! xx

Anonymous said...

Feel better soon darling, hope your having fun with your work, your mum away now?

Love Lillie xx

Fletch said...

OK sounds like i need a few pointers off you so I can stop my new keep-fit routine in attempts to loss some weight... Wot is the secret to your sucess? ;o)

Better soon Dude :o)

Ciao Ciao

Wallo said...

Lillie: Yep away, now back again!

Fletch: What are you getting at? I'm not following! I think my brain cells are depleted!