Sunday, August 13, 2006

I am sick of my future being laid out for me by other people.
The disappointment of sixth form turning out to be nothing more than an open prison has put me off education in the most sourest of fashions and the prospect of further studies right now just don't appeal to me in any shape of form.
Perhaps the beckon of a university life might deliver the promised independance that sixth form has thus far failed to but, at this moment in time, all it's enough to think about getting this last dreaded year of school out of the way.
It's quite sad. Ever since I can remember, I have been studious and despite years of bullying and social torment at school I only managed to shake off and turn around a couple of years back, I was enthusiastic about school.
Every piece of homework, every bit of effort, I did it all and relished it. School was the way forward and now, in the last year that I should be dreading because it means I will be losing something that was part of me for a long time has become something I want over with just so I can get rid of school.
Sixth form has turned my stomach to sickness where education is concerned. it has made me not give a damn. it's results day this week. But I don't know the date, nor do I care about my impending grades.
Everyone around me is forever putting pressure on me to get high grades, go to university and be a financial success yet nobody seems to care what I actually want to do. University, due to my loss of reliance on the education system has become a prospect that is no longer essential or even necessary to me.
This is my expected path because I'm 'bright'
So all those years of studying and working hard has effectively left me trapped.
Hey, now I know why it was all worth it...


Jennytc said...

Is a gap year possible, to give you a break from studying and a chance to do something new and different. At the end of the year, you may decide that you do want/need to go to uni or it might open up other avenues to you. Good luck with your results anyway.

gemmak said... isn't all about money but it is a shame that the education system in which you had such faith and for which you worked so hard has soured you toward it. Maybe like Jenny says try a year out and see how you feel then but if uni isn't the way for you then you are bright and there will be other options. Good luck you :o) xxx

Wallo said...

Jenny and Gem: At a time when those I thought close to me appear to be turning their backs on me and making my issues worse, it's comforting to know that there are people willing to offer support and advice to me.

Thank you both.
I hope you both know I will be there to return the favour if ever you need it
