Saturday, August 26, 2006

Don't hold your breath...

So...the step bastard has decided that he is giving up on alcohol. He's trained his single, deformed brain cell which occupies the dense space inside of his mis-shapen head to realise that alcohol and his unwelcome habit of being a control freak may be connected in some not so distant way.

Having established this quite marvellous breakthrough in his own personal, warped psychology, he made the declaration that alcohol would vacate his lifestyle. Simple as that. Not another drop of the stuff.

Yeah right

Taking his 'becoming a wanker' fuel from him is like taking a fish out of water. The withdrawal symptoms are dangerous enough on an intelligent being so goodness knows what effects they will have on him. I'd be willing to bet that his attitude wouldn't improve.
Hey, here's a thought. Maybe it's not all the alcohol's fault. Maybe you act like a complete selfish pratt all the time because...well, you ARE a complete selfish pratt?
Just a thought, what would I know?

Well whatever happens I can't see the household being freed from his controlling clutches quite yet.
He plans to go to the pub tomorrow.
Orange juice all round is it?

Not Likely.


Anonymous said...

Well, nobody else has commented on this post yet, so I feel I should say something...
An attempt to give up drink could signal good intentions on his part at least... Whether these will be translated to reality is quite another matter, as you so scathingly pointed out.
Certainly enlivened my otherwise dull evening, and takes a well-deserved place as one of your most comic posts.
You can probably figure out who I am by the sheer volume of words in the post (and hopefully by my immaculate spelling and grammar). Keep up the good work, the hordes of fans must be satisfied...

gemmak said...

So, did it happen or did he, as you suspect, fall off the wagon just as soon as he got onto it?

Wallo said...

Pffft he stayed off it while he was at the pub, came home after a couple of hours and downed several cans of lager instead.

Wallo said...

Carpenter: Don't fret about it, he's a minor frustration in my life