Monday, July 17, 2006

Not impressed.

Okay, so the legions of fans who obsessively check The Diary Of Mr Slug Take Two for any sign of updates will have noted my recent abscence. This, shock, horror, is down to a particularly strong bout of an illness I'm starting to get so used to.
This required me to take a week off of school, and, after several phone calls from them, during each of which they were assured that my reason for abscence was genuine, they proceeded to accuse me of truanting on my return. The attendance officer suggested I speak to the head of year to clear my name.
But, I'm sorry, why do I even have to clear my name. As someone who regularly attends and puts effort into school and has done for a decade, I expected to have been believed. It is not an unnatural occurance for someone to be ill. It happens. Half the staff at that school are on sick leave for over a year at some point in their career. Many students in my year blatantly take time off to socialise, go shopping and attend concerts etc, yet I am pulled up when I have the ordasity to be unwell.
I swear, if my head of year gives me grief tomorrow when I go to see him, I'm jacking the hole lot of it in and leaving that school. Because I seriously don't know why I should bother.


gemmak said...

Good grief...anyone who has known you for more than 5 minutes should know you better than that! Bet work were no better! :o/

Wallo said...

Well I didn't actually miss any work because I had no shifts during the week but doubtless they would have been a pain about it too.
Didn't see head of year today...couldn't find him and I'm hedging my bets that I will be accused of avoiding him or not trying to see him.