Sunday, July 23, 2006

Routine Boredom

I've never got the whole strict routine thing. Where you rota your life to the exact minute and avoid straying from the plan.
What I'm talking about is setting up a day by day routine. All right, so some things are unavoidable. Work for example, you can't just wander in whenever you please or just decide that you don't want to go in.
But setting your entire life up like a rota puzzles me. I cannot see the enjoyment of living your days where everything is the same day in, day out. Where nothing is ever unexpected and surprises are actually irritating as opposed to interesting. Even the bad stuff manages to spice things up a bit.

Naturally, a specific example has prompted my thoughts down this line. The step bastard sticks his life to a routineand I've decided that this is the reason he is such a dreary little bore.
His routine is like so:

7am: get up
7.15am: (not a minute before or after mind you) Brush teeth
7.30am: go to work
2pm: return from work. Open mail.
2.15pm: do some gardening
3.15pm: Social time. 15 minutes recreation
3.30pm: Make sandwiches for work the next day
4pm: (yes the sandwiches DO take half an hour!) Wipe down benches
4.15pm: Ensure kitchen area is tidy. Enlist assistance of a sweeping brush if required
4.30pm: Water the plants
5pm: bath time
5.30pm: Dinner time
6pm: Watch the news
7pm: Television time. A time also reserved for throwing back copious amounts of beer
10pm bedtime

Weekends only have a couple of differences. Work is replaced by more time to throw back lager. Add at the end of routine, a violent argument, just to spice things up..
Well it is the weekend you know.

I couldn;t live my life to a schedule. It would suck all the fun out of life. I say, live for the moment, expect the unexpected and just go with the flow.
Because nothing brands you a target for fate to screw you over as much as forward planning


Jennytc said...

Control freak! Needs counselling! ;)

Wallo said...

I cannot think of four better words to sum him up!