Monday, July 03, 2006

'Me and my life' Meme

I always get round to answering tags I receive from elsewhere and, Sue, it may have taken me nearly a month, but I have got round to this one eventually! Better late than never!

What was the last song you listened to? What effect did it have on you? Did it remind you of anything?
It was Paranoid Android by the rock band Radiohead. It's an emotive and rather depressing song which fitted the mood I was in. It is passionate and reminded me first and foremost of what was already on my mind...and also of times spent with my dad just after my parents marriage broke down and he took me to a Radiohead concert in Glasgow.

Are you employed? What is your role in your job and do you enjoy it? Relate a memorable experience from your work.
I work in the customer service department of a retail store and overlook the running of the department and the checkouts, mostly at weekends. I have to deal with the dribs and drabs of the community who come in their quantities with inane questions, complaints and demands. Oh, and rarely, we do get a pleasant person to serve as well. I can't really relate a particular experience because, as most will probably tell you, I have one of the world's worst memories. But there have been some big funnies with both colleagues and customers! Do I enjoy it? It's not bad, as a job goes at this age and it demands quite a big deal of responsibility. But it's not where my future lies.

Did you have a happy childhood?
Mostly, yes. Obviously the divorce of my parents was a crushing blow but it became my belief and remains so still that it was for the best in the long run. The arrival of a stepdad on the scene who was less than pleasant didn't do much and I was a shy kid at school so it wasn't until middle school when I actually made friends. There were some good happy times though and, in comparison to many childhoods, I am very lucky.

What are your favourite TV shows?
Bad Girls is great, nail biting and rather trashy. it's a great drama and I find myself addicted every year. And Family Guy never fails to make me howl with laughter. Those two aside, I don't really catch much TV.

They say that in life, you will only ever have a handful of people you could class as true friends...and you will be able to count them on one hand. Who are five people you would class as friends? Briefly describe them.

D has been my friend for a long time. We must have come from the same pod at some point as we have the same sense of humour and often finish eachothers sentence or say the same thing at the same time. Like me, he is completely off his rocker, though he controls it a lot less than I do. he is one of the funniest people I have ever met, and he is a good friend.

M has emerged as a really close friend in the space of a few weeks. He has been there through a particularly rough patch and he is incredibly easy to talk to. He is outgoing and good fun to be with, but I know when there's something preying on my mind that I will be able to have a serious conversation with and hope he feels the same vice versa.

J may have abandoned me but she is a great chuckle and a fabulous chick to be around! She made those drab work weekends a lot brighter and I know that while she may not be as close geographically anymore that we won't lose touch and she is someone I feel I can talk to. She's had a rough ride and I respect her for still being on top (don't take any innuendos from that!)

I have never met A but, speaking to her both online and via the telephone, I have found that she will pull me out of many a dark hole I'm in. Not only that, but she is totally crazy and funny with it

And J and I are almost kindred spirits. She has the same passions I do and the same interests and she is side splittingly funny, and I do love her very much! Yet again I have never met her but sincerely hope I do one day as she is one in a million!

Now I know that this question says 5, but I must add H to this list for being such a sweetie all the time! She's a great laugh and also the star of my drama class. When I'm not laughing at the fact we're forever insulting eachother, I can talk to her as a genuine friend and appreciate that she is a fantastic person.

Do you have any siblings? Describe them briefly. Do you get on?

I have one brother who I couldn't possibly be closer to. He's a funny guy and our fallouts are becoming rarer as time passes by. In the past we have had major fights but they wouldnt have been so emotionally and physically draining if we didn't care. He is always there to turn to, without exception and he is the member of my family who I am closest to.

What is your hobby?

My hobby is also my passion...I love to act!

What is your all time favourite book?

Oh wow, that is such a difficult question. I really don't know. And I feel bad because I haven't read anything in leisure in such a long time.

When is your normal bedtime?

Later than it should be!

Describe your first love

She was very special and I won't forget her. It all got a bit messy (keen readers may remember a post which discussed this a few months back!) and it took me some time to adjust to life without her. But it all happened for the best, everything is okay, we are good friends now, no hard feelings!

What are your plans for tomorrow?

A very unappealing day of school then work...

What was the last fun thing you did?

Firday and Saturday were good days, Friday was particularly special if you read HERE. And on Saturday I went out with friends and got a little bit...jolly! After quite a rough couple of weeks it was good to let my hair down and be able to smile again. Friday and Saturday did that for me.

Is there a special someone right now? Describe him/her. What is special about them?

There is someone very special right now who is on my mind a lot. She is rather small, which is cute and has the most gorgeous of eyes. She can be quite loud and and is very very funny. We have become increasingly close over a few months and are getting closer, in my view. She's genuine, kind, selfless and beautiful...I'm a very lucky guy!

Finally, describe yourself in five words

Crazy, honest, sensitive, cuddly, strange

I won't tag anyone as this takes quite a while to fill out! But it's here should anyone be experiencing blogger's block in the future!


Fletch said...

"Cuddly" !!!!

Ciao Caio

Wallo said...

Fletch: Pffft its what every good man should be ;)