Monday, July 24, 2006

An eye opener

At the moment, my home has been invaded by two young children come teenagers. Naturally, with their arrival, a significant clutter has been left and among the game boy cases and Mcfly Cds I saw a teenage girl's magazine. While I was waiting for a meal to finish cooking, I started absent mindedly flicking through, to see what 12-15 year old girls would read.
I was quite taken by surprise. While I knew that children were educated about sex at an early age, it is a different thing altogether to encourage it.
An article titled 'how to really get your boyfriend to love you' involved advice on how to talk dirty and how to perfrom successful oral sex.
And then there was a main spread feature called 'my first time sex' which was a number of quotes from the magazine readers discussing the loss of their virginity. There were tales of drunk fourteen year olds in the bed of a parent, a thirteen year old having unprotected sex with a fifteen year old and two 'soulmates' who found the right time...and split up2 weeks later.
The worst thing was...there was not one negative thing in these quotes. The phrase 'no regrets' popped up incessantly and some described their experiences proudly and said things like: 'now I don't need to feel left out'

Well...just wow. Next time someone ponders why underage pregancy has soared over the last few years, I'll pass them the subscription details to this magazine


Anonymous said...

Flippen eck thats bad! I knew they were a bit weird with things like that, but what magazine was that?

Fletch said...

Yeah wot magazine was it? ;o)

Ciao Caio

Wallo said...

can't remember!!