Thursday, July 17, 2008

It's been a long year...

But I feel I should commit to my bloggage once again.
Whole hearted apologies for such a lengthy abscence to those of you I lost touch with. I hope we can catch up soon

Speaking of catching up, a lot has happened over the past year, some good, some bad and over the next few posts I'll try and fill in some gaps

Leave comments, let me know how you are!

In the meantime, for those who have forgotten about me, I'll enclose a most fascinating meme! Won't tag this time, not really fair seeing as I've been away for so long! ;)

#Are your parents married or divorced? They're divorced
Are you a vegetarian? No
Do you believe in Heaven? No
Have you ever come close to dying? Yes
What jewelry do you wear 24/7? I don't
Are you eating? Right now? No
Do you eat the stems of broccoli? On the rare occasions I have broccoli yes, I thought nit was the done thing!
Do you wear makeup? No...
Would you ever have plastic surgery? Not for vanity. Only as reconstruction if anything terrible happened
What do you wear to bed? Hmm...that depends..
Have you ever done anything illegal? Minor stuff. Shhh
Can you roll your tounge? Yes, my biggest talent!
Do You have a boyfriend or girlfriend? Not right now no
Do you believe in Abortions? Do I believe in them as in do they exist? Yes. DO i agree with them...? Depends on the circumstances
What is your Hair color? Brown
Future child's name, boy and girl? Not planned that far ahead!
Do you smoke? No
If you could go anywhere in the world where would it be? Hmmm toughie...Somewhere with breathtaking culture or a fantastic atmosphere. Rome, Japan, New York..
Do you sleep with stuffed animals? Sometimes! They always end up on the floor yet they always come back into my bed. More loyal than a woman!
If you won the lottery, what would you do first? Celebrate!!
Gold or silver? Silver
Hamburger or hot dog? em. Hamburger but only if its a real one and not pocessed crap. Hot dogs contain all sorts like...soil and family budgie
If you could only eat one food for the rest of your life, what would it be? Ermmm....I don't know...dont really like food! It's just a necessity!
City, beach or country? ooo depends on the mood!
What was the last thing you touched? My keyboard...duh
Where did you eat last? In the kitchen
When's the last time you cried? Last night
Do you read blogs? Yes
Would you ever go out dressed like the opposite sex? For fancy dress yes...not as a genuine attempt to pass myself off as a woman though!
Ever been involved with the police? Yes
what's your favorite shampoo/conditioner and soap? Lynx
Do you talk in your sleep? Not often no
Ocean or pool? Pool...too many beasties in the ocean...don't like jellyfish!
What's your favorite song at the moment 'There's Only Me' by Rob Dougan
have you ever had a cavity? No
Window seat or aisle seats? Window normally unless it's a plane, don't like watching the ground get smaller!
Ever met anyone famous? yes
Do you feel that you've had a truly successful life? No
Do you twirl your spaghetti or cut it? just mash it in my mouth haha, too lazy for any of that palarver
What is your fav. sport to play? Tennis
Basketball or football? Basketball
when was the last time you went to the bathroom? Half an hour ago!
Do you drive a stick? ...what? Twigs don't have engines as far as I'm aware
Cake or ice cream? Cake AND ice cream
Are you self-conscious? Very
Do you like any of your close friends? No, can't stand them...what an idiot question
Have you ever given money to a bum? Yes
Have you been in love? Yes
Where do you wish you were? Somewhere fun!
On myspace why is the 1st person on ur top 8 there? Don't do Myspace
Have you ever ridden in an ambulance? Yes
Can you tango? Im not sure
Last gift you received?Emmm...a gothic Jesus cross keyring for some bizarre reason. Oh wait no, a poster!
What occasion did you recieve your gift? A studnet in my class gave me it. Cos i'm cool, obviously
Last thing you spent lots of money on? Shopping spree!
Where do you live? My house
Last wedding attended. One of my aunty's many big days
Favorite restaurant? Don't have one
What is your favorite kind of car? Don't care
Most hated food(s) My GOD this survey has too many food questions...eggs
Most loved food(s)?erm! Don't know!
Can you sing?Apparentley
Person on your mind? Yes =)
What's your least fav. chores? Washing dishes. Bleugh! Or cleaning a toilet...
Favorite drink?Coke, red wine, jack daniels, vodka, lucozade...not together obviously...hmm would be interesting
Currently have a Crush? Of course
How long was your longest drive in a car? 10 hours *yawn*
Why do you do surveys? Easy way to fill a blog post
Do you know who Nick Tyo is? No, should I...?

1 comment:

Jennytc said...

Nice to see you back, Wallo. Hope things are OK for you these days and I'm looking forward to catching up with your news as you blog it. :)