Sunday, June 24, 2007


Yeah, so I'm now regularly doing 4 different jobs silmultaneously at my place of work, the latest addition being the somewhat tedious task of counting, organising, sending away blah blah blah of each day's takings.

Basically this involves locking oneself in a poky little room, surrounded by absurd amounts of money, a tempermental, mistake prone money weighing machine and a calculator. It's a task that one missed step or one miscalculation sees the whole thing plunged into confusion. A mistake is not easy to rectify, even if you know what you've done, and I made a bit of a whopper today.

After all the processes were complete I then had to have the computer work out if the takings I had were all present and correct. Well doesn't the bloody thing tell me I'm £3000 over!? I couldn't even begin to comprehend where I had miscalculated or counted £3000 out. It's normal to have a pound or even up to a tenner but otherwise the procedures are fairly watertight and don't allow for such errors. But when they do, boy are they hard to fix.
Turns out I'd looked at the wrong column and typed the wrong number into the calculator, resulting in that difference.

Sad to think that one tiny little mistake like your eye missing a line can keep me in that office an extra three hours and pound my head more than necessary.

Psssht. They want me to do this every weekend, which is against what I asked when I first agreed to do it. Suddenly every other weekend has increased slightly but if it's going to be as irritating as this, they'll have a fight getting me in there on a regular basis.

But one musn't grumble, I'm outta work for the next 7 days. I'm not too excited mind you, the holiday has just been booked to make time for exams.
It's a sad life I lead isn't it?

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