Thursday, November 09, 2006

Not my scene

This doctor thing just isn't working for me.
I know each doctor has their own methods and each are designed to be successful but I just can't see it as being an effective solution for me.

Yesterday, I had my latest one on one appointment with therapist doctor (I'm seeing three people at once so it gets a bit baffling at times) and I couldn't have felt more awkward.
Naturally an atmosphere where you have to open up about negative feelings annd very personal things is never going to be comfortable but he was too pushy and appeared to expect too many results. Maybe I'm not his ideal patient but I got the impression that he has over estimated me.
It was difficult enough building up the guts to go and see my GP in the first place and now these fortnightly appointments with this guy are evn more daunting. There will never be a breaking of ice because the appointment ends as soon as I begin to relax and it's another two weeks before the next one comes along.
The guy also seems very irritable and, as someone who avoids any form of confrontation, this is very intimidating for me.

Nobody said it was going to be easy and I appreciate that but I don't think I am personally strong enough to fight my demons and win, at least not at this stage.
I'm more tempted just to put up and live with the battleground that is my head rather than have to expose and analyse it on a fortnightly basis.


Fletch said...

Hey you...

Maybe the first stage isn't about healing at all, maybe it's just about becoming familiar with the concepts and the environment...

Don't ask to much of yourself... Just hang in there

Keep the faith...

Jennytc said...

I take it you are talking about psychotherapy? How about counselling?

Wallo said...

Fletch: i guess Im just an impatient sod.

Jennyta: Dont mean to be ignorant, but whats the difference? :S

gemmak said...

Hey, it takes time, really it does and it's worth hanging in there however strange and difficult it seems right now. I'm with Fletch, you need time to become familiar with the new concepts.

Persevere if you possibly can and don't expect too much too soon. It's hard not to want to feel some improvement quickly but the first bit often feels worse than you did will get better. You got my number if you need it.*Hugs*

Fletch said...

Wallo : Hey dude, lifes not a race, chill... :o)

Time is just something that we assign, past, present, there just all arbitrary. Most Native Americans dont think of time as linear; in time, out of time, I never have enough time... They see time as circular, all moments are happening all the time.

Interesting concept :o)

Hang in there dude :o)))

Jennytc said...

Psychotherapy is based on Freud - very much about the psychotherapist telling you what's wrong with you. Counselling is much more client led and aims to help you to acquire and use strategies to take control of your life yourself, so the power in the former is very much with the therapist, whilst in the latter, it is more evenly balanced. The two of you work together and you decide what, how much, how far you want to go etc. Look for Person-centred or Gestalt for preference.