Monday, November 06, 2006

Burn In Hell

Hanging is nothing compared to what this evil tyrant deserves.
Good riddance


Fletch said...

Yep... :o) Hang him and all the people that supplied him with his weapons of terror!!! (They all new what he was up to, Guilty by association!)...

Whoops... F**k... Sh*t... The British and Americans supplied them... Bugger...

Don't fall for what the Media would like us to all believe... Saddam was in power because we "Put/Allowed" him to be, it was all about power, oil and control in a very sensitive and important strategical area...

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"

Ciao Ciao

Wallo said...

There's no denying that he's not the only one at fault. And statistically, Iraq are worse off since the downfall of Saddam's regime, with more slaughter and destruction.

But, none of it hides the basic fact that the man himself is still an evil, murdering dictator

Fletch said...

OK OK I could debate this one all day...

Yes I totally agree, the Guy was an Evil Murdering Dictator, but and heres the 'Big But'...

When it suited us we supported him (Iraq Iran War etc.), we supplied him with Training/Cash/Arms etc. We knew what he was doing, we just chose to ignore it because it suited us at the time to do so.

Then, after 9/11 the Americans needed a Target... They needed someone to blame... Unfortunitly for Saddam they couldn't find Osama or Al qaeda (Another organisation the CIA had also previous supported finacially during the Russian Occupation!), so Saddam was made the 'Patsy'...

Nothings Black and White and if justice we're to be truely done for the Victims of Saddam then we are as Guilty as him, we let the people of Iraq down then, just as we are doing now.

Ciao Ciao

Wallo said...

Im not at all disagreeing with anything you are saying

My post wasn't dishing out blame for the war or for any other of the relvant political events but was merely acknowledging the fact that I agree that this particular mass murderer deserves the verdict he has received :)

Fletch said...

A Timely Verdict don't you think? ;o) [Not that it appears to of helped my friend Mr.Bush :o)]

Ciao Ciao

Wallo said...

lol yes very timely indeed...alternative let him back though?

Fletch said...

I'm sure the 250,000 innocent Iraqi civilians that have died since the war 'Ended' ... wouldn't of minded him still being in power?

Just a thought....

Wallo said...

Well not the grandest of messages to send out letting a mass murderer stay in power because there's less deaths yet throwing the book at a civilian who commits a single murder.
Can't bend morality just because our government are out of depth interfering in something they should have left well alone, as far as possible.
But now that he's caught, the guy is still a psychopath and a killer of so many people...I hardly think that the fact there have been just as many deaths since is reasonable justification for allowing back into the position his violence thrived in.
I know its a no win situation but I was never saying that Iraq were better off without him...just that if anyone deserves the death penalty that it's a guy who took the lives of loads of civilians.
And I know by saying that I am putting George Bush in the noose but then I didnt ever disagree with that :)

Anonymous said...

hmm, well, I disagree. He killed thousands and thousands, to kill him, aren't we just as wrong? I mean, dead he's free, alive - the truth lives with him. Really, you are giving him the most painless torture. Let him live, live the rest of his life, in prison, and all he'll have to do is think about what he did - isn't that punishment?

Wallo said...

pfft if there is an afterlife that guy will go direct to freedom there.
he's a celeb baddy...nothing but the chushiest treatment in prison...hell be just living his normal life, ordering people around just in a safe environment.
Normally Im against capital punishment but I honestly dont see any other plausible solution to Saddam
Of course, we're all different and every opinion is as valid as the's what makes life a diverse patterned quilt