Tuesday, June 20, 2006

A tentative step

After another few days on the brink of rock bottom-ness after returning to the state referred to HERE, I have made a rather bold (for me) decision to consult someone in the professional field to sort through the battle ground that is my mind.
Whether or not therapy will do any good, I don't know. But I suppose it is worth a try, depsite my copious amount of misgivings.
It would be an understatement to claim that i'm a tad nervous about delving deep into stuff I don't want to talk about and open up my psychology bare to a stranger.
But, if I can walk out any time I want to, there's a slight comfort in the fact that it isn't compulsory.


gemmak said...

It isn't compulsory but it might help and as one who has been that route, whoever it is won't feel like a stranger for long, it ain't as bad as it seems I promise...oh, and you have my number! *hugs* xxx

Wallo said...

Gemmak: A week after this post, I still haven't taken any action or got the guts to make an appointment.
I keep changing my mind over how necessary it is, if I'm honest.

Thanks by the way! xxx

Jennytc said...

The first step is the most difficult - you are worth it!