Saturday, October 13, 2007

Yay! Weekend off!

Okay I might not have anything exciting planned...
but Im enjoying sitting here and getting paid

Have a nice weekend everyone!

Friday, October 05, 2007

Saturday phone lines

Joining the gym six months ago at a discount rate seemed such a great idea.
It was something to do, something healthy, not too time consuming and close to home. I'm not a sporty guy so I needed something to keep me fit.
So I sign the dotted line and get taken into a year contract.
I attended two months and the past four months Ive been shamefully paying for a service I've got out of the habit of using.
While it's my intention to return in the very near future, I managed to miscalculate a direct debit and left insufficient funds in my account for two days.
As lady luck would have it, it was at this point, the company attempted to claim their money and since then I've been left with a £30 service, sorry, punishment charge for withholding money from them.
Fair enough, my own stupid fault.
So i phone up to pay and it's a premium phone line. Great, as if they're not getting enough money out of me. I'm paying double for something I didn't use at all this month but hey, only myself to blame.
I take myself through the several choices and then am faced with silence.
After five minutes of trumpet music I hear a voice. About time!
Unfortunately it's an advertisement informing me what a great investment joining a gym has been. Errr hello!? You don't need to advertise to me, I'm already stuck in your contract otherwise I wouldn't be sitting here, wasting my lunch break away trying to make an overdue payment to you!
As the guy drones on about less risk of diabetes and additional promotion opportunites due to lack of sick days from work (All due to the gym, I kid you not!) I wonder what kind of phone charges I am now building up.
Eventually, after a severely long and repetitive (not to mention utter bullshit) advertisement, I hear a phone ringing. Hooray, am I finally getting through!?
Here was what I heard.
"Sorry, our customer service department is closed on a Saturday. please call again later. goodbye"

And double grrrr.
Could you not have informed me of this first!?
I look at my phone and see 13 minutes and 42 seconds on the call timer.

I HATE phone lines!

Tuesday, October 02, 2007

I'm still here!

What can I say?

I've been a bit of a lazy bugger around these parts. I could offer numerous excuses but anyway I'm still alive and still semi-kicking and hoping to catch up with everyone soon.

So what's new? Finished with school and got my A-Level results. Two B's and a C which I was highly satisfied with, particularly given my miserable year where education was concerned.

I'm taking a gap year for the moment, but keeping busy, planning on holding down two jobs and squeezing in some teaching experience too. Better than sitting around doing nothing.
While I certainly haven't ruled out returning to education in the future, it's a relief to be free of it at least for now.

Also planning a trip to New York next year which I'm looking forward to. 2-3 weeks of no work and no hassle and just a nice holiday.
Hopefully that will come off, I'll keep that one posted.

The kitten I mentioned a couple of months ago is growing at a blinding speed but he's still a little guy.
(Oh yeah, forgot to mention, she has become a he. I have only just managed to get into the habit of calling it a he)
I'm going to upload some pictures of him with my next post (which hopefully won't be another two month gap)

All that's left is to make sure everyone else is doing fine! I've been catching up on all the blogs over the last couple of days and hopefully, with things in a bitof a finer rhythm down my way, The Diary Of Mr Slug Take Two can return to some form of regularity.

I just have to pull my finger out!