Monday, July 09, 2007

Phew! A breather please!

Okay, so I've had quite a busy time of it of late so to those I promised to get in touch with, I can't stress enough apologies and I'll contact you tomorrow as I have a day off.

So what's new? Finished in finished finished! The relief is immeasurable, just awaiting the exam results now but I'm not worried.
What will be will be and all that...

Spent a nice weekend in York and attended a party which was good and also had my finishing prom which was an experience. However, there's a bit of a them and us thing going on with groups of people who's lives seemed dominated by school and then wasters like myself who had other stuff. So the night was whittled away cliquing and correctly predicting the repitive recipients of the awards. (you know the kind, who will be prime minister etc *yawn* There's going to be a bit of a power battle in government in 20 years time if all the prom predictions across the country come true)

And oh yes, i got myself a little kitten!! The cutest little ginger and white ball of fluff. She's GORGEOUS and came with the name of Jaffa. It was the choice of the BARK staff and may seem cliche but she suits it.
There'll be pics of her coming soon!

Hope everyone is well in the blogosphere. I'm certainly relaxed now after all the stress of the few months that have passed.
Starting to look to the future now, instead of feeling miserable about the present.
hey, maybe I could have even made a breakthrough where my illness is concerned. Here's hoping!

Keep in touch everyone!