Tuesday, March 27, 2007


Yeah so I may be a stranger round these parts these days.
And these days might be a little underexaggerration in place of 'over a month' but a chain of circumstances has left me unable to make regular visits online or have anything I particulalry want to update about.

To say the past month has been a bit of a physical and emotional rollercoaster wouldn't be stretching the truth and suffice to say, there have been some important developments and life changing things going on to and around me but I've crawled my way back to where I was before, in a state of semi-emotional relaxation; if not a medically accurate term, a fair summary of my current feelings.

So what can I say?
Apologies for leaving my blog unattended for so long.
Thanks to those who sent me emails, text messages etc with concerns and enquiries of my well being
And back to business, if I havent been totally abandoned by my *cough* legions of avid fans

Hope everyone is okay, I'll be catching up on all your blogs in the very near future.

Don't get rid of me that easily I'm afraid ;)