Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Hmm....What the...

A little NHS gem for you.

A relative was rushed to hospital last week when he found he struggled to go to the toilet and so had to stay for a few days.
When the problem was sorted he ended up sat in just his boxers when the highly professional doctor decided to examine his prostate (which for non biologists among you is situated firmly up the male arse)

Once the check was done, said doctors glove was now less than hygenic. You would presume surely that this glove's next destination would be the bin or another disposal unit of some sort. But sadly not.
You can imagine the patient's confusion when the doctor wipes his finger on the hem of his boxer shorts. And, for that matter, the surprise of the gathered audience.

And we wonder why the NHS have a bad reputation?

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

<3 <3 <3

Cast your mind back a year and picture 'The Diary Of Mr Slug Take Two' and specifically a post related to Valentines Day. Your response is likely to be one of the following.


1) I didn't go on your blog then

2) or I'm not interested enough in your blog and what you said a year ago to care.

So I'll remind you my stance on the fuzzy lovey day concentrating on couples, which is that it's a commercialised trap forcing couples into showing affection.

I can show affection to my loved one any day of the year and don't see why I can't try and be romantic on any other day except for February 14th but hey, I might as well jump on the bandwagon.

If it makes her smile then its enough for me. Any bigoted opinions I might have on being forced into buying lame gifts and outdoing myself on romantic ideas year after year go out of the window when I see her happy.

So whatever you're doing, whether you're a singleton and staying sensibly sane or a lover and going romantically crazy, Happy Valentines Day to all the readers of 'The Diary Of Mr Slug Take Two'

Saturday, February 10, 2007

Not for the faint hearted or animal fanatics among you

I've never been a huge fans of dogs, I'm more of a cat person, they're less likely to leave me mauled if they turn fierce.
Buteven if I hated them with all the fierceness in my heart (which I don't) I still would have chosen not to witness what I ddi the other week.
Small-ish border terrier runs away from 12 year old owner across busy main road. Wanders for a bit until gormless owner whistles him back. Unable to weave tactfully through oncoming traffic, the helpless mutt trots onto the road and is walloped head on by a car.
With a screech, a sickeneing thud, the blur of a rolling form sliding under the car and a heartbreaking squeel of agony, it looks like the dog is no more.

Geez it literally made me feel sick. It was the whine of pain that did it.
It was some resiliant dog mind you. It was soon up thankfully and, while it sported two mashed up broken back legs it was alive and limped back to it's owner.

And to add to the week's violent tragedy, I did something equally as stupid and managed to whack my hip, yes my HIP, off a pillar at work, so hard that it bled.
Talk about that dog being resiliant...I tell you I did well to keep the exploding profanities bubbling up at bay!

Hope you have a nice weekend everyone!

Thursday, February 08, 2007

Oh and I just noticed...

...I missed my blog's official birthday!!

As of Monday, The Diary Of Mr Slug Take Two, has been on the web for a year.


Snow Day

Those of you who weren't reading my blog this time last year should probably be let into a little secret.

And, having been hopeless until this point, winter stopped it's teasing and released waves of it in all it's fluffy white goodness yesterday.

I had been obsessively checking weather sites for any signs (not that I'm sad at all, you understand ;)) and, while a day late, the promised goods were delivered.

Sadly that may be all until next year but hey

Tuesday, February 06, 2007


Some plugging for a local band who are doing really well these past few weeks.

RondeDeJambe (A ballet term, if you're interested) consists of four talented guys, pulling off some pretty brilliant performances.
Check out their pages when you get a chance and spend five minutes sampling their tunes.

Who knows, they may be the next big thing!
